by Carolyn Edlund
Yes, it’s true. Yoda is a little creepy. Practically hairless, with rubbery skin, all-knowing eyes and about two feet tall, he is definitely on the wrong side of cute. But this 900-year-old alien guru has some timeless advice which artists can use to stay on course and grow their businesses.

Artist credit: Matt Sterbenz
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
You can talk about it. You can think about it. But until you actually do it, nothing gets accomplished. “Trying” doesn’t count. This applies to producing work in your studio, getting a cohesive body of work together, having it professionally photographed, and promoting yourself and your art. Until that is done, you aren’t selling work and moving your career forward. If you want to be successful, you have to take action.
It doesn’t matter if you haven’t ever promoted yourself before, or if you are introverted, shy or petrified. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but nobody else is judging you – they are all too worried about themselves to be aware of the fact that it’s a leap for you to engage in marketing. Make a commitment and get started, using the many resources out there to guide you, and make a splash. Sure you’ll make mistakes, but that’s how you will learn. Just do it. (Oh, wait, that’s not Yoda, that’s Nike!)
“Size matters not.”
Yoda knows the internet is “the great equalizer,” which means that even though you are a small company of, say, one person, you can have an online presence that is so professional, you rival the big companies. And best of all, being a smart, creative, and artistic person gives you a major edge at making your website look totally appealing.
It also matters not that you might be a little technically challenged, because there are talented webmasters available who are able to help you get a killer website designed to present your art to the universe. Shop around and find someone you can really work with and who shares your vision, and get started on the website of your dreams. Present your work to its best advantage, as if you are applying to the greatest art exhibition in the world – because you are!
“Always in motion is the future.”
Life is about change, and change is always happening. If you want to be successful in selling your work, keep Yoda’s sage advice in mind, and never stop learning about ways that you can promote and sell your art. Markets, trends and opportunities are always evolving and improving. Read as much as you can from the experts to track what’s new, and choose those methods that work best for your business.
“May the force be with you.”
Once you throw yourself out into the online universe, and persistently make connections through social media, linking and contributing to the conversation, your hard work will pay off and become a force of its own. This creates a “buzz” about you and your work, and you will start seeing results. Compliment your virtual efforts by networking in person the old-fashioned way, using proven methods to stay in front of your audience, and taking advantage of every opportunity. Stay on the cutting edge with your marketing efforts and blast your art sales into hyperspace!
Yoda is SO right!
And, what a coincidence – the Ray Bradbury quote at the foot of my blog post today, says virtually the same thing about ‘doing’ and ‘trying’, though in a slightly different context!
Looks like the Force is with us!