Artsy Shark presents the portfolio of featured artist Jeanne Bessette. Visit her website for more information and to see more examples of her stunning work.
I received my first art kit when I was four years old. I remember pretending I was some famous artist and I would hang my creations all over the house, so it was no surprise to anyone when I was voted most artistic in my high school yearbook. I studied studio painting in college and tried to pursue my passion. However, the idea of painting for a living was somewhat discouraged, and I began to believe these externally implanted doubts from well meaning people in my life. I went to photography school as a compromise and became a photographer. That seemed more acceptable to everyone including me for a while.
As it turned out, that decision turned into a very profitable career. I went on to own and operate a highly successful photography studio in New England for over a decade, won many awards and gained clients throughout the United States. My photography career was very rewarding, but there was always a small fire inside that was not being fed. So after thirteen years, I retired my camera for profit and picked up a paint brush. This time for real. It felt like home.
I sought out master teachers who excelled in their field to relearn the tools of my true passion. Soon, I was accepted into numerous juried exhibitions and offered solo shows. My experience as a photographer offers me the skills I need to see light and composition and I enjoy a powerful palette filled with layers and lots of color.
I am now enjoying continued success and acceptance by a new clientele as well as the fine art community. I continue to study with some of the best artists in the world as I feel we can never stop learning our craft. It is a journey that will last a lifetime. I am the luckiest person in the world to be able to paint almost every day. Don’t let anyone steal your dream.
My paintings reside in numerous private collections in the United States and Canada including television personality Michelle Phillips, nationally known comedian, Tim Wilkins, Karen Ely Founder of A Women’s Way, and contemporary artists Robert Burridge, Wendy Thurlow and Joanna Coke to name a few.
“Jeanne pursues her art making with great passion. Over the years she has developed a unique style full of color, and yet it also has many subtle passages of layered hues and glazes. Her images are rendered to create a mystery through her color placement. She asks the viewer to solve the deeper meaning behind her paintings, leaving us with a strong, memorable impression.” Joanna Coke
Jeanne's work can also be seen at Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art in New Hope, Pennsylvania.
I love your work, semi-abstract figures and non-representational works have become a favorite of mine. Have you taken a workshop from Bob Burridge, I think you would like his work too! My favorite here is your first piece, very expressionistic with gorgeous color harmony. Thanks for sharing