Featured Artist Norbert Waysberg

French artist Norbert Waysberg presents his amazing portfolio of watercolor paintings. See more of his work by visiting his website.


The Artist in Studio

Artist Norbert Waysberg and work in progress


What are your goals?

My exploration for the next period of time will be to push my limits even more with watercolor on paper, paint in an even larger size, and explore the relationship between dark and light in and around the New York cityscape.


Queensboro Bridge

“Queensboro Bridge” Watercolor on paper 55″ x 70″


What are you working on now?

I’ve gotten back to New York cityscapes after two years of painting portraits and nudes. I will continue to explore a wide range of emotion via portraits and nudes in larger scale but in black and white. Inspiration is coming from the past Picasso show in the Guggenheim museum.



“Madonna” Watercolor on Paper, 60″ x 40″


What inspires you?

I’m constantly looking at expressing my inner emotions and feelings with my work more than with any words.


Third Avenue

“Third Avenue” Watercolor on Paper 55″ x 60″


Watercolor is the perfect medium for me by playing with layers of transparencies, dripping, excess of water, dryness with water color, breaking the paper and scratching the paper with different unusual tools.



“Untitled” Watercolor on paper 60″ x 40″


Moving from Paris to New York seven years ago was a life changing experience. It was  a cultural transformation and turned me emotionally upside down. It allowed me to look at New York city with my “French/Jewish/North African/Polish” culture.



“Nude” Watercolor on Paper, 60″ x 40″


Every single piece of New York inspires me – streets, bridges, people, the speed of life, the constant noise.  At the same time, maybe from my French culture erotism is part of art and my inspiration. It’s why I explore reflections of water on nudes.



“Untitled” Watercolor on Paper, 60″ x 40″




  1. Oh my, what absolutely GORGEOUS animals! That lion is just breathtaking. The rest is beautiful too, but the animals in particular are really special. Well done!

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