Australian artist Paula Wiegmink presents her amazing wildlife portfolio. Enjoy, and be sure to visit her website for more information.

“Mumbo Jumbo” Oil on canvas, 121 x 91 cm
Painting is not a way of life for me. It is my life. My artistic journey has always been influenced by nature, but predominantly wildlife. When I finally reached a stage in my life that I was able to pursue my dream, I wanted to try to make a difference. I use my art as a vehicle to raise awareness of our fragile planet and the war we are now waging on wildlife crime.

“Tears of the Rhino – Hear my Call” acrylic on canvas
When I decided to do a preparatory piece for World Rhino day 2012, my painting “Tears of the Rhino” was born. I approached the piece without any preconceived ideas and started with a random pour using acrylic. I started painting the rhino using a painting knife. When I stepped back to view my work, I realised that my rhino appeared to be crying tears of blood. Although this is an extremely confronting image I feel it conveys the message. This image is now been used by a proposed Rotary action group to raise funds for wildlife conservation.

“You Take the Right Ear, I’ll Take the Left” Acrylic on board, 83 x 73 cm
They say the eyes are the “window to the soul” and for this reason I always try to convey the spirit of the animal or bird I am painting through the eye. I am predominantly a realist artist although I love to experiment. Working in oil, pastel, acrylic, watercolour and mixed media, I also enjoy exploring with textural effects.

“Noir de Jais” Acrylic on canvas, 76 x 92 cm
I was recently invited to participate in an exhibition titled “Spirit of the Thoroughbred” and agreed to do three paintings in a short space of time. That I hadn’t drawn a horse since I was about 10 years old was beside the fact. I decided I wanted to convey the spirit of the animal I chose with no background interference. The painting was done in acrylic and proved to be quite a challenge. The effect I wanted was achieved by multi-glazing, pushing and pulling the surface paint, hoping to end up with a velvety, soft sheen. Great attention was given to the eye.

“Don’t stare Angus” Acrylic on canvas, 121 x 91 cm
Growing up on a farm in Africa, I developed a love of cows and just couldn’t resist painting them. This large piece started out with a loose wash and then was gradually developed using a painting knife to create texture. The background was initially a beige colour and did nothing for the cows. So I decided to try something vibrant and bold to compliment the colour of the cows.

“Strictly No Fishing” Pastel on board
The most recently exciting thing to happen in my artist career is to have been shortlisted and chosen to exhibit in the 2014 “David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition” in London in June.

Artist Paula Wiegmink appears at her solo exhibition at the Wills Domain Gallery in Yallingup, Western Australia
So I continue on my journey and will constantly strive to perfect my art and hopefully contribute to saving our natural environment with passion and commitment.
Paula Wiegmink invites you to connect with her on Facebook and Twitter, Instagram, and follow her blog. Please also see her work on Artists for Conservation.
Hi Paula,
Your work is brilliant. It’s wonderful to see an artist get somewhere. Congratulations 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to view my profile Sylvie. I really appreciate your interest and comments! All the very best Paula ……
This selection of your work is astounding. Though the rhino with the bloody streaks may be a lot to take for some, I found it refreshing and raw. Now especially that we’ve lost another entire line to hunting/poaching, leaving an entire generation without seeing them, this is more poignant than ever. I love what you’ve done with their eyes, they’re souls staring out of their canvas, and that takes serious talent.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments Mathew. Last year I walked with armed guards in Africa to see the white rhino in their natural habitat. It was the most incredible feeling to be in such close proximity to these amazing animals and it certainly puts life into perspective. My painting ‘Tears of the rhino’ was done as a result of my involvement with conservation in Africa and was born of great emotion of the plight of these animals. Painting the eye of the animal is one of my greatest pleasures as this is where I feel the deepest connection and hopefully in this way portray the soul of the animal.