Claudia Roulier’s use of collage, pencil and thin layers of acrylic paint make her paintings seem to glow with an inner light. Please visit her website to see more of her work.

“Kiote” Aviator map Collage under, Acrylic and Pencil over, 28″ x 22″ x 4″
My goal remains the same as it’s always been-from the very beginning to now. I work hard not only to get better at my craft but to keep myself informed in all aspects of art.

“Seeing the light” Collage map under, Acrylic and Pencil over, 32″ x 40″ x 4″
Sometimes I think artists can go somewhat astray by separating the act of making art from the idea of being an artist.

“Hungry Fox” Aviator map Collage under, Acrylic and Pencil over, 30″ x 24″ x 4″
I know that I’ll have very busy times when I’m faced with a number of deadlines. I begin to think in terms of numbers of pieces instead of having specific goals, such as working with light or limiting my palette to four colors. I think if you try and keep your focus on accomplishing certain goals, the rest seems to fall into place.

“Run Rabbit Run” Atlas page Collage under, Acrylic and Pencil over, 18″ x 18″ x 4″
Right now I’m trying to bring myself up a notch, get outside my comfort zone, and really concentrate on specifics.

“The Totem” Atlas page Collage under, Acrylic and Pencil over, 15″ x 19″ x 4″
I’m looking at how to create a mood or emotional connection by using color and lighting and making the subject matter secondary to that goal.

“On the Hunt” Map Collage under, Acrylic and Pencil over
However, because I’m not used to working with those ideas, old habits do creep in and settle down on top of what I’m trying to accomplish. Old ways of looking at things struggle with the newer things I’m trying to accomplish. Keeps things interesting! When I approach painting or sculpture this way I have to remember to ask myself the right questions as I work.

“The Hazards of a Small Gene Pool” Acrylic, Collage, Pencil, 26″ x 30″ x 4″
I tend to use animals as anthropomorphic vehicles for the moods and emotions I’m trying to convey. I look for pictures which portray my idea of whatever feeling I’m going for at the moment. Sometimes I spend a fair amount of time looking at the old masters and how they used various artistic elements to get across their point of view. At other times I look at contemporary artists for inspiration and the schools of thought that are currently taking center stage.
Claudia I love the work you do…pencil, paint, collage…..animals with attitude, splendid.
why thank you Keri, that’s very nice of you!