Australian artist Lyn Diefenbach’s beautiful oils and pastels bring to life the florals and portraits she paints. Visit her website to see more of her amazing body of work.

“Reach For The Sky” Oil on Linen, 26″ x 54″
I delight in portraying the illusion of reality on a two-dimensional surface and am constantly intrigued by complexity. My paintings are the public face of my private meditations and are an expression of who I am – my sensitivities and spirituality. They are my story told through the medium of oil and pastel and expressed in subjects that fascinate and inspire.

“Reflections on a Journey 4 – Behind The Mask” Oil on Linen, 36″ x 24″
Each painting is a vehicle for self-expression and a stepping stone of understanding both of myself and the subject I have chosen. With each stepping stone of understanding comes a deep reverence for the rich tapestry of life.

“Impact” Oil on Linen, 28″ x 20″
In 1999 Pope John Paul 11 wrote a letter to all artists which had a profound influence on me. In his letter John Paul exhorted: “ Artists of the world, may our many different paths all lead to that infinite ocean of beauty where wonder becomes awe, exhilaration, unspeakable joy… May your art help to affirm the true beauty which, as a glimmer of the Spirit of God, will transfigure matter, opening the soul to the sense of the eternal.”

“Gum Blossoms” Pastel on Kitty Wallis Paper, 11″ x 23″
I cover a myriad of subject matter. In reality it is not so much about the subject as the challenge of portraying the interplay of light and dark, the rhythm of shapes and the excitement of colour, the mood and atmosphere.

“Captivated by Grace” Oil on Linen, 27″ x 36″
Portraits and reflective surfaces intrigue, and my unique florals, now achieving international recognition, are often a conundrum of complexity but also sensitive tributes to creation.

“A Story Told” Oil on Linen, 24″ x 22″
The florals and portraits are a constant, but recently I have begun two series which will continue throughout the rest of my painting career. One is a series of still life with Mediaeval tapestries as a backdrop and the other is called “Reflections on a Journey.”

“Reflections on a Journey 2 – Weariness” Oil on Linen, 36″ x 25″
The latter series, in particular, is a very personal depiction of my own journey both physically and spiritually – the places to which I have travelled and my own philosophies. Reflections, on whatever surface, lend the idea of worlds within worlds and the multifaceted levels of life.

“Transition” Pastel on Ampersand Pastelboard, 30″ x 18″
The pursuit of masterly quality is a high priority and I am constantly honing my skills and adding to my knowledge of the craft of painting. I consolidate my learning by presenting workshops both nationally (in Australia) and internationally. I thoroughly enjoy lighting the creative spark in others and giving them wings for flight.
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