Abstract artist Judy Hintz Cox creates paintings that evoke emotions, convey simplicity, and become a starting point for meditation. To see more of her work, please visit her website.

“Angel of Emptiness” Mixed Media on Canvas, 60″ x 48″
Since I am a visual artist and not a writer, describing my passion with words is difficult. Painting IS my passion. Put another way—Painting IS!!!!—the same as Love IS!!! Just like moving into my inner self when attempting to meditate, working on a canvas creates something from within myself. Half the time I have no idea what that is until I’ve completed the process.

“Being is Always Becoming” Mixed Media on Canvas, 48″ x 48″
I love being isolated in my studio. I am fortunate to be in an environment where the only thing I hear when working, are birds singing. The quiet gives my mind room to contemplate the abstraction I am attempting to create.

“3 Doors of Liberation” Mixed Media on Canvas, 32″ x 32″
My paintings are a process of adding “stuff” to a canvas and then removing some or all of the “stuff.” Anything that is overworked is tossed out. Well, actually just removed so I can reuse the canvas. For me, it is best to leave the painting alone with all its mistakes and empty spaces.

“Don’t Be So Attached” Mixed Media on Canvas, 40″ x 56″
What I wish to convey with my creations is simplicity. My paintings are both expressionistic and minimal.

“Emergence and Impermanence” Mixed Media on Canvas, 36″ x 48″
When working, I am frenetic, though I don’t believe mentally deranged. Much of my energy is used stepping away from the canvas to observe what’s working and what isn’t working. This is the process I referred to above of making sure I am not overworking the piece.

“Lotus of the Heart” Mixed Media on Canvas, 48″ x 60″
There are moments when I think I’ve completed the painting, even though I’ve only started with a layer of charcoal smudged with turpentine. In fact, sometimes after stretching a canvas, I am so moved by its beauty that I feel I don’t need to do anything else.

” No Mee” Mixed Media on Canvas, 44″ x 40″
For the past several months I have added musings to some of my paintings. It’s not so much that I have something to say beyond what the painting says, but I like seeing words penciled onto the canvas.

“Rain Starts With One Drop” Mixed Media on Canvas, 40″ x 54″
It is just an added medium that feels like it “works” with the piece. The idea is to have several elements within the painting, so an observer’s eye can move around the entire canvas.

“Something to Contemplate” Mixed Media on Canvas, 36″ x 40″
Painting is an outlet for my emotions. Whether my feelings are negative or positive, I am able to release them by splashing paint onto a canvas. Even though my ego feels great when someone likes one of my completed paintings, that is not my goal.

“To Do” Mixed Media on Canvas, 36″ x 40″
My goal is to evoke feelings within others. My ultimate goal is for my work to be used as a starting point for meditation.
Artist Judy Hintz Cox invites you to follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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