Luminous and graceful abstractions of nature’s beauty are the focus of artist Elisa Sheehan’s paintings. Learn more about this artist and her work by visiting her website.

“beneath the surface” Oil on Canvas, 48” x 36”
Laying eyes on a colorful canvas can be a transformative experience. When someone views one of my pieces and they feel something, maybe something they didn’t even expect to feel and they can relay that to me, well, there is simply nothing more gratifying.

“Kaleidoscope” Oil on Canvas, 48” x 36”
I use color freely and intuitively and my favorite thing about painting is seeing color come alive and dance on a canvas, especially through layering. I work in many, many layers both to get the depth and variation of color I want, but also to leave room for surprises and for the painting to evolve.

Detail of “Kaleidoscope”
I just feel so joyful and energized by figuring out which details to leave, which to cover up, which to have show through just slightly with a glaze.

“Lichen 3” Oil on Canvas, 48” x 36”
All of the inspiration for my work comes from my deep love of nature, the rhythm of the seasons and the unparalleled beauty that comes with all the stages of growth, bloom, decay that we all witness each and every day. I’m never more inspired to paint than when I’m outdoors, especially hiking, and I often feel more comfortable being outdoors than in! With all of my work, I aim to portray nature’s beauty in a way that’s neither fully representational nor abstract.

“Orange Crush I” Oil on Canvas, 30” x 30”
I leave recognizable elements such as leaves, branches and petals in my paintings but also use abstract elements, texture and dancing brushstrokes to get the energy and movement I want for each piece.

“Lichen Ladder” Oil and Cold Wax on Canvas, 36” x 48”
I’m an avid lichen collector and my latest series is an exploration and deep dive into this obsession of mine. It was so fun to stretch myself with these pieces and to work in a series that way.

“Luminous Lichen” Oil and Cold Wax on Canvas, 30” x 30”
I tried some new techniques and materials and really just let myself have at it with each and every piece. I felt so lucky each and every step of the way.

“Spring’s Requital I” Acrylic on Cold Press Paper, 22” x 30”
Besides continuing to stretch myself and my process, some of my goals are to work with interior designers, expand my gallery showings and gain gallery representation.

“That Green” Oil on Board, 24” x 24”
I currently live in Upstate, NY with my husband and 2 kids. We home school our children and their constant curiosity and growth inspires me to look at my own work in new ways and to try to be as fearless as possible. They also inspire me to be more present and mindful in the process of things, not just the end result. That’s where so many “aha” moments happen for me.

Artist Elisa Sheehan in her studio.
I usually wake up at 5 a.m. in order to get my uninterrupted painting time in. I love that time of day for its solitude, the slow waking of the sun and for the way I feel starting my day in that manner; utterly grateful and in love with life.
Artist Elisa Sheehan invites you to follow her on Instagram.
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