The ceramic and mixed media horse sculptures of artist Mindy Colton are long-legged, graceful and ready to take flight. See more of this artist’s work by visiting her website.

“Run Wild Run Free” Mixed Media Sculpture, 60” x 48” x 20”
Growing up in Manhattan, in an art loving household, I was surrounded by art and artists. My first art classes were at the Metropolitan Museum which was just one block from my elementary school. I was definitely destined for an art career.

Artist Mindy Colton
I was honored to attend the renowned High School of Music and Art, Parson’s School of Design, and the Art Students League in New York City, completing my B.F.A. at Washington University School of Fine Art in St. Louis, Missouri. Although I enjoyed all the sculpture and 3-dimensional classes and workshops I attended, I took a practical direction and spent many years as a graphic artist and illustrator before I was finally able to embrace my love of sculpture.

“Unbridled Spirits: The Conversation” Ceramic and Mixed Media Sculpture, 16″H x Various Widths and Depths
I am inspired by the beauty of horses and nature. Horses have always represented grace, raw power, freedom, honesty and beauty. They are my muse and inspiration.

“Wind Dancer Pegasus” Marine Grade Aluminum Sculpture, 10′ x 10′ x 5′ aprox.
Capturing the essence, spirit and natural expression exhibited by horses, not just the realistic representation and using their images to elicit a feeling or mood is essential to my work. I have been involved with horses my whole life as a rider, competitor and judge. Many pieces are a metaphor—symbols for feelings, ideas and emotions.

“Mustang Memories” Mixed Media Sculpture, 35” x 42” x 14”
In recent years I have become very concerned with the fate of the American Mustangs—icons of our nation and an integral part of our founding. Many of my works exhibit my concern with their survival. I also donate to their preservation.

Process: sculpting clay
I create in a variety of mediums—clay, wood, wax, celluclay, apoxie clay, copper wire, aluminum and paint. I create both one of a kind and limited edition works.

“Chagall’s Acrobat” Ceramic Mixed Media Sculpture, 8” x 27” x 7”
My larger mixed media horses, my most recognizable unique sculptures, have carved tree limbs for legs. It can take a long time to find quality wood and the correct shape to use for my sculptures. They must be sturdy, cured and sanded before I incorporate them. The bodies are carved with a hot knife from polypropylene, and built up with celluclay and apoxie clay. This is a long process as these materials need to dry in layers.

“Nature’s Gift” Mixed Media Sculpture, 25” x 36” x 12”
Some surfaces are collaged, some painted and some are finished in natural materials.

“Close Encounter” Bronze Sculpture, 18” x 9” x 11”
My bisque fired ceramic horses are an extension of when I used to create in bronze. Bronze is very labor intensive and costly. Clay lets me have full control of my work as well as making my horses more affordable for people to collect.

“Seeker” Mixed Media Sculpture, 28” x 34” x 10”
Many of my concepts come from traveling as well as my lifelong involvement with horses. I love the southwest, and the colors influence some of my most popular horses in turquoise and copper.

“Charmed” Mixed Media Sculpture, 34” x 42” x 11”
My map horses also are a direct result of my travels. My Milagros Charm horses are a reflection of my junior year abroad in San Miguel dé Allendé and immersing myself in the culture and arts.

In progress: artist Mindy Colton working on “Renewal”
Along the way I have received multiple United Arts of Central Florida Grants and State of Florida Artist Grants. Two of these grants were to create large-scale outdoor sculpture. My work is in public and private collections in the United States, Europe, Canada, South America and the Caribbean.
Your horses are absolutely beautiful!
Thank you so much Peggy.
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