Painter Heather W. Ernst presents a collection of energetic abstract art using vivid colors. Visit her website to see more.

“Fleur de Mer” Acrylic on Canvas, 36” x 36”
The most frequent comments I get are, “I feel so happy when I look at your art,” and “I don’t usually like abstract art, but I like yours.” I’ve succeeded. I’m expressing spirit and I’m getting an emotional reaction in return. I’ve conveyed my joy of painting, and I want to share it with you.

“Pequeño Grande” Acrylic on Canvas, 24” x 20”
My mind ignites with color, and I need to express the feelings pigment creates. I’m usually moved by a natural scene that becomes a very loose construct in my imagination.

“Today Through May” Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas, 42” x 42”
My paintings are an expression of the emotional connection I have to the earth. They’re playful, rich, dreamy, whimsical or energetic parts of a living whole.

“Trebuchet” Acrylic on Canvas, 60” x 48”
Recording feelings with paint, charcoal and some pastel is a very different pursuit than my previous career. As an architect, I planted buildings for use by code, via zoning, safely anchored to the ground, according to required, civilized mandates.

“Mystic” Acrylic and Metallic Paint on Canvas, 36” x 36”
When I make an abstract landscape come alive, it’s all by spirit. I imagine the shapes, colors and lines all have mischievous intentions or choreographed roles. Think of impish little Fiddleheads sprouting from the soil, or tiny breezes swirling past your ear.

“Rio Ojo Caliente” Acrylic, Pastel and Charcoal on Canvas, 24” x 24”
I drive emotion direct from thought to canvas, with no planning if possible. A painting is my recording of my reaction to an environment. If I do add a recognizable form, it won’t be the color it is in reality, because what I see and feel internally isn’t.

“Gracious” Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas, 24” x 24”
My imagination is way more vivid than the world I live in, and that’s what sets my mind on fire.

“Headed to Olympia” Acrylic on Canvas, 40” x 30”
I lay out tubes of colors that inspire me, their order corresponding to the sequence I plan to glaze with. I have a fairly photographic memory, so I can picture how the hues interplay. When I move to the next layer, I’ll add a skosh of pigment from each succeeding layer to harmonize the colors.

“Tillicum Lately” Acrylic on Canvas, 30” x 15”
Sometimes I put the painting away for a day or two. When I come back, nine times out of ten it’s completely obvious what it needs.

“Last Stanza” Acrylic on Canvas, 48” x 48”
Having my painting, “Last Stanza” with its visibly resonating notes auctioned for Symphony Tacoma, and having people visit my studio and walk away with a piece for their home has been heartwarming and rewarding. Hanging 100 linear feet of space at Tahoma Universalist Congregation for a two-month exhibit has been another highlight of this year.
Artist Heather W. Ernst invites you to follow her on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.
How I enjoy #artsyshark having taken the be time to share my work with others. Your business knowledge is excellent! I hope fellow be artists find it as germaine to their success.
Thanks again, Carolyn
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