Artist Vivian Saich’s passion is throwing, handbuilding, and carving porcelain to create a body of work in flowing, organic shapes. Visit her website to see more.

Leaf, Porcelain, 4″ x 1.25″
I remember the feeling when I was very young, of making pretty things with my hands and imagination. People’s faces would light up, smiling as they gazed at something I had made. That felt right and good. I missed that feeling for most of my life, wondering if I still had it. If I tried to create art, would people still respond to it the same way?

Pierced Porcelain Bowl and Orchid Pots, Various Sizes, 4″ to 6″ Tall
Like a lot of other creative souls, I have spent most of my life working hard at another career path to survive and pay the bills. Unfortunately, too many people are in survival mode while deep down inside they know they need to do more than just survive. They want to love their work and feel good about themselves. I loved going to art festivals, meeting the artists and talking about their process. At the same time, I wondered how they survived.

Textured Porcelain Vase, 6.75″ Tall
In the past, this would stir up strong emotions in me that made me regret not working at it myself. I’d think “I could make that” and yet I wasn’t I making anything, just plodding away at my 9 to 5 sales job. Was it too late for me to become an artist? Had I lost my creative mojo joy?

Porcelain POD Box, Sculpted and Pierced, 5″ x 4.5″
I moved to Asheville, North Carolina in 2000. It took me until 2012 to muster up the courage to slowly make my way into Asheville’s great River Arts District. Once I began taking classes, I found I could not stay away from this wonderful community of artists. The River Arts District is where I am meant to be.

Wavy Leafy Porcelain Pots, Various Sizes
It’s this place and community that inspire me to work towards realizing my dream. There are great workshops and classes that have helped me rediscover my creative self. Now I have the courage and understanding that it’s never too late, and that I am not alone in my artistic journey at this stage of my life.

“Eve” Illuminated Porcelain Torso Wall Piece, 15″ x 19″ x 5″
I rent a small art studio at the Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts where I can also attend workshops at Odyssey Clay Works. I make and sell my work through the Odyssey’s Co-op Gallery. I am so happy here and love being a part of the positive, creative energy that flows through Asheville and the River Arts District.

Leafy Bowl, Pierced Porcelain, 5.5″ Tall
Honestly, this community gave me courage to take a leap of faith towards living my dream of becoming an artist, having my own studio and selling my work in art galleries.

Leafy Bowl, Pierced and Altered Porcelain, 7″
I love working with porcelain, making handbuilt and wheel-thrown forms. I sometimes alter forms when they are plastic enough, then carve and pierce into the clay at the medium leather-hard stage to decorate the surface with lines, curves and texture. After bisque firing, I apply glaze to the insides, and wipe clean the drip glaze off the outside of the pieces. This leaves a naked white porcelain finish which I then fire to cone 7.

Artist Vivian Saich
The naked porcelain is beautiful. I love allowing the blue-green glazes inside to shine through the negative spaces. At this time I am making orchid pots, carved and pierced porcelain bowls, boxes and other art forms.
Artist Vivian Saich invites you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram and the River Arts District site.
Thank you ArtsyShark for featuring me!
I am in Asheville North Carolina come visit me sometime at the Odyssey Co-op Gallery where I’m being featured this month.
Hi Vivian, your work is stunning. Your graceful shapes and the flow of your carving is exceptional. You definitely still have your creative mojo joy.
I made my first trip to Asheville in November of 2018, wish I had known about you then. I would have looked for you. All the best to you.