Artist Peggy Stokes creates stunning alcohol ink paintings by blending and moving the inks into vividly colorful, swirling images. Enjoy her portfolio and visit her website for more.

“Caverns of Color” Alcohol Ink, 22″ x 28″
I am a self-taught artist, which I find amazing at my age! My passion for art came to me later in life after I had raised five children and became a cancer survivor. These challenges gave me a desire to capture the world as I saw it and made me feel I was capable of communicating to others my inner feelings.

“Clouds of Passion” Alcohol Ink, 20″ x 16″
I was born and raised in Michigan to a large family who loved competitive sports, which I participated in and enjoyed very much while growing up. That is why if I experience rejection, it will only inspire me to do better.

“Blue Moon” Alcohol Ink, 11″ x 14″
I was a fine arts photographer for thirty-five years. During that time, I experienced the satisfaction of capturing the beauty of our world. I was also able to express human kindness through film, because I was fortunate enough to look into the souls of others through documentary and personal images.

“Curtain Call” Alcohol Ink, 11″ x 14″
After digital photography came along, I decided to look for a different medium in which to express myself. Painting was my choice.

“The Beginning of Time” Alcohol Ink, 11″ x 14″
I worked with acrylics and mixed media at first, and decided that these mediums were the way to my future.

“Tears of Joy” Alcohol Ink, 11″ x 14″
One day, I was reading one of the many art articles I enjoyed and discovered the alcohol ink works of artist Leslie Franklin—a life changing experience.

“Ocean’s Edge” Alcohol Ink, 18″ x 23″
I asked many of my artist friends “What do you know about this medium?” Most had no idea. I just started buying supplies. To my surprise, it was very difficult to learn how to use this medium. I created images by taking my time.

“Bird’s Eye” Alcohol Ink, 20″ x 16″
All of my art is abstract, allowing the viewer to discover their own meaning behind my art.

“Inner Beauty” Alcohol Ink, 22″ x 26″
Alcohol inks dry quickly and need good ventilation. Most of my work is done by moving the brilliant colors of ink over a non-porous surface. Whether using one color or mixing several colors, they appear to have a mind of their own.

“Sand, Sea and Sky” Alcohol Ink, 14″ x 11″
After using a blending solution and seeing the magic burst off the substrate, I knew I had found my passion with alcohol inks. I hope my audience enjoys my art as I much as I love creating it.
Artist Peggy Stokes invites you to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
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