Gloria Moeller offers a selection landscape photography that reflects her passion for the great outdoors. Visit her website to see more of her portfolio.

“A River Runs Through Moraine Park” photography, various sizes
My goal with photography is to wander incessantly in nature, capturing the emotions of life and sharing those images with as many people as possible. That is why I refer to my art business as Life Images with Gloria.

“Sunrise Over Mt Helix” photography, various sizes
I began my adventure with photography as a young child. Some of my first memories took place in the portrait studio my parents operated out of my childhood home.

“Snow Sierras on a Sunny Day” photography, various sizes
I remember watching my father work his magic in the studio with lighting and then post-processing the images with enlarger techniques in the chilly basement darkroom.

“Misty Mountains” photography, various sizes
I loved watching him coax the image to perfection in the cold, acrid chemical baths.

“Storm Rolling Down the Sierras” photography, various sizes
My first camera was a Kodak Brownie—I was obsessed with trying to match my parents’ skills. However, life got in the way, and other than taking photographs to document family outings, I put aside my camera. In my thirties, the photo bug caught up with me again and I purchased an SLR film camera.

“Desert Landscape at Zion” photography, various sizes
Later, I excitedly transitioned from film photography into digital photography as that technology improved. I was given a DSLR camera as a gift from a dear friend. The fun and adventure of learning was underway!

“View From the Top of Goat’s Eye Ski Lift” photography, various sizes
Nature is my muse, and one of my favorite things to photograph. I especially love to hike into the mountains in the early morning or late afternoon when the light plays off the peaks and sparkles off the leaves—the serenity and quiet I find there soothes my soul.

“Misty Meadows at the Tetons” photography, various sizes
After discovering the magic of editing software, I was able to use what I learned from watching my father in the studio. I coax the best photograph from what my camera records into the image I see with my eyes. The artistry involved in post-editing is refreshing and exciting!

“Torrey Pine and Sandstone Cliffs” photography, various sizes
My work has been featured in galleries such as the Del Mar Art Center Gallery in Del Mar, California, and Studio 32 in Spanish Village Art Center in San Diego where I am an association member. As a member of the La Jolla Art Association, I was one of two artists who were featured in an exhibit titled Alive by the Sea.

“Sleeping Trees of Winter in Owen’s Valley” photography, various sizes
I am a member of the San Diego Art Mart Association and display work for sale in Balboa Park in San Diego, California. I also show my work as a member of the Coronado Art Association in Coronado, California. My photographs are available for sale in various media and sizes on my online gallery.
Artist Gloria Moeller invites you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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