Artist Merritt Richardson presents a collection of colorful, energetic abstract paintings. See more of her portfolio on her website.

“Foss” (Flow Collection) acrylic on canvas, 60″ x 36″
I have always found magic in the process of bringing something new into the world by my own hands.
I was lucky to be born with a certain creative gift that showed up in drawing, painting and crafting throughout my childhood. Over time, I developed a great appreciation and admiration for the truly talented people who can imagine a completely novel or unexpected concept and then manifest that into a form for others to experience and enjoy.

“Alterna” (Flow Collection) acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 20″
I respect creativity as both a given talent that should be nurtured and a skill that must be developed and practiced. I’m inspired to cultivate that ability within me. Creating and making gives me energy and a sense of accomplishment, and…it’s just fun.

“Lyric” (Flow Collection) acrylic on canvas, 36″ x 36″
For the majority of my adult life, I relegated my artistic endeavors to the occasional hobby or project. I chose to prioritize an intense, fast-paced corporate life and family over any serious creative pursuits. However, I always knew reconnecting with my innate creativity would play a significant role in my next chapter.

“Riz” (Flow Collection) acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 16″
Many years as a business strategy and product creation leader for a global sports company taught me about the power of good design. After retiring, I returned to making art with an understanding of the psychologic influence of color, the importance of quality materials and how storytelling is essential to spark an emotional connection.

“Infinitude” (Blox Collection) acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 48″
Abstract painting has emerged as my creative passion. I draw on a love of color and texture to create vibrant, bold and energetic pieces.

“Gallery” (Blox Collection) acrylic on canvas, 12″ x 24″
My artistic process is primarily intuitive, although I have taken a variety of art classes and studied color theory and composition on my own. I learn mostly through observation and a lot of experimentation.

“Imperial” (Blox Collection) acrylic on canvas, 30″ x 30″
I welcome feedback and it certainly influences where I take my work, but, honestly, I don’t overthink my art. It feels like something that just comes out of me, and I let it.

“Fences” (Blox Collection) acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 16″
I can usually sense when the outcome is “good.” I put the pieces that I like out in the world and let others decide if they like it, too. If they do, great. If not, I consider it a fun experiment and I keep trying.

“Gyre” (Loopt Collection) acrylic on canvas, 30″ x 30″
I’ve always loved abstract art because it is so open to personal perception. Often, it’s not immediately obvious what the work represents, which invites visceral and unfiltered reactions from the observer. I am fascinated by the variety of emotional responses and interpretations that the same abstract painting can evoke in different people.

“Manifestation” (Loopt Collection) 48″ x 36″
With abstract, I feel unconstrained possibilities for my art. It allows me to really explore the endless options for pure freedom of expression with no expectations or rules. What an inspiring way to spend my time! Ultimately, I want to keep fueling the instinctively creative part of my brain. Along the way, I can put something positive into the world to bring delight to people who experience it.
Artist Merritt Richardson invites you to follow her on Instagram and TikTok.
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