Photographer Judy M. King presents a collection of black and white images that shine the light on dazzling circus performers. Find more of her diverse work on her website.
The circus has always filled me with wonder. Entertainers thrill with eye-catching costumes, strength, bravery and grace. My Under the Big Top portfolio presents circus performers in black and white on black backgrounds. Use of monochrome directs focus to the performers. It unifies and simplifies the images. It is less expected than retaining the colorful outfits and lighting.
I make eclectic and unconventional digital photographs. There is joy in choosing the lens, technique, perspective and crop. I strive for high impact and clean, fresh design.

“Pushing the Boundary” photography, various sizes
To me, photography is the melding of serendipity, intuition, preparedness and skill. The selected position of the subject influences the storytelling. Being enclosed and tucked into a bottom corner is isolating and grounding. However, looking across the frame suggests freedom to dream. Like a hatchling, the aerialist seems to emerge and test her wing outside the hoop.

“En Garde!” photography, various sizes
I’m delighted when I can record a decisive moment or fleeting occurrence. For example, capturing movement only in the swishing mock sword and quivering hand, but nowhere else.

“Side Saddle” photography, various sizes
I favor dynamic diagonals over static images. Negative (empty) space provides room. Here, the subject can potentially swing into the inky black surround.

“Strength, Balance and Grace” photography, various sizes
A symmetric image is perfectly balanced. However, I prefer asymmetric images; they have less predictability, more visual tension and encourage greater scrutiny.

“King of Rings” photography, various sizes
Slow shutter speed can reveal surprises about what is moving (blurred) or stationary (sharp).

“Malia, the Fire Eater” photography, various sizes
Radial motion and an S-curve enhance the previous composition. The combination of misdirected (opposing) and harmonious parallel lines adds interest.

“At Crossed Purposes” photography, various sizes
Many of my images have symbolism, a psychological or spiritual component, or make a social comment. Ideally, you decode these messages or have your own interpretations. For me, the previous image symbolizes conflict, the war of the sexes. He is large and in focus. She is diminutive and soft. We see misdirection of their vertical and horizontal lines.

“Hooper” photography, various sizes
The dancer gracefully crosses the stage; her fluttering hands and the synchronized hoop revolutions are evident. Arrested movement contributes to a 3-D quality.

“Strong Man and Light Beams” photography, various sizes
In a balanced composition, the visual weights of subjects or opposing forces match. This creates a feeling of harmony. Sometimes balance occurs through mirroring or symmetry. Diagonal lines give photos dynamism. Atmospheric images (with smoke, fog, rain, etc.) have an interesting softness.

“The Lady and the Elephant” photography, various sizes
An unusual camera angle and juxtaposition of dissimilar and misdirected subjects can make a photo distinctive.
My award-winning photographs appear in solo and group exhibitions, books, and magazines in the United States and Europe. I am available for critiques and presentations. My inspiration stems from God and a long list of photographers, digital artists, architects, fashion designers, painters, poets, and comedians.
On my website and social media, you can see the variety of my work. It includes subtle and vivid color, abstracts and multi-panel photos (diptychs and triptychs). I have a portfolio documenting the COVID-19 pandemic and much more there.
Artist Judy M. King invites you to follow her on Instagram.
A powerful, artistic and creative portfolio of performers. The tonal range is memorable and impactful.
Thank you so much, Art! I’m glad you looked over my work and like it.