Featured Artist Inna Malostovker

Artist Inna Malostovker captures nature’s secrets with her stunning fine art photography. See more by visiting her website.


Macro photo of a flower

“Center Piece” photography, 30″ x 30″


I am a fine art photographer and a digital photo artist. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, I made my way to the Sunshine State by way of downtown Manhattan and the North Carolina foothills. I now work out of Miami, Florida.


photo of a feather floating on water

“A Feather Afloat” photography, 16″ x 24″


Growing up, I saw my father’s love for photography. For me, it was always fun to sit in the dark room with him and watch pictures emerge on a piece of paper. When I was 12, I won a camera in a traffic safety competition organized by a local newspaper. A bonus prize–lifelong passion–arrived with it.


photograph of a lizard on a leaf

“Peek A Boo” photography, 16″ x 22″


Lately, I have been focusing more on nature photography, especially smaller details.


Macro photo of a cobweb

“Blue Mood” photography, 16″ x 24″


We are surrounded by fascinating subjects. In the modern world, we are always in a hurry and hardly ever take the time to contemplate our daily environment, much less to observe the details. I use close-up or macro photography as the means to see these subjects from a new viewpoint.


macro photography of a leaf

“Intimacy” photography, 16″ x 24″


I love bringing the viewer in with me to experience this new world. There is something magical about seeing the natural world up close: insects, pollen, a drop of water, a branch that has just sprouted, life itself in detail. What was just a blur of color from a distance, in the world of macro photography comes to life in a panoply of shapes, textures, and hues.


Photograph of a praying mantis

“Shall We Dance?” photography, 16″ x 24″


Close-up photography is equally entertaining and demanding. There is an endless supply of subjects that can test the skill and technique in photography.


Macro photograph of a white flower

“White Beauty” photography, 18″ x 18″


I enjoy the challenge of finding something interesting in the most mundane of subjects. And the challenge of finding that perfect shot, the one that tells a story, resonates with my viewer, elicits a reaction, and most of all, sharing it with others.


Nature closeup

“Nature’s Design” photography, 16″ x 22″


I love to be able to let you see and understand the world in an entirely new way.


Inna Malostovker invites you to follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


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  1. “I enjoy the challenge of finding something interesting in the most mundane of subjects. ” That’s because there are no “mundane,” subjects to someone with eyes to see. The idea that one must be constantly be pursuing “iconic,” subjects is faulty in my view, the whole world is magic. I really like your images, great work!

  2. Inna Malostovker says

    Thank you so much for your comment, Tom! Yes, the world is truly magic. Inna.

  3. You truly capture God’s handiwork in the tiny details and your perfect timing. Nice! Love “Shall We Dance.”

  4. Congratulations on being the featured photographer on ArtsyShark; lovely artistry. Please see my artisy photography Artpal.com or Google Nina LaMarca.

  5. Loved

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