Abstract painter Yildiz Grodowski shares a selection of artwork created to inspire human connection and communication. View her portfolio on her website.

“Joined Across The Blue” acrylic and mixed media collage, 10″ x 10″
An amalgam of two cultures: that’s me! I was born and raised in İstanbul where I received my BFA and MFA from the State Academy of Fine Arts, but spent most of my life in the Boston area.

“Sentinel” acrylic, mixed media collage, 12″ x 12″
Being a dancer and a visual artist creates another amalgam that truly defines who I am. I’ve been creating, in multiple ways, all my life. So I know no other way of living.

“Yearning To Reunite” acrylic and mixed media, 36″ x 36″
The foundation of my art is connection. Here‘s the best way I can describe what this means to me: art is a visual experience. Especially abstract art that stirs feeling through the eye, like music through the ear. Of course I want to create visually pleasing art, but you cannot please everyone.

“A Quiet Conversation” acrylic and mixed media, 22″ x 15″
In the end, my art has to be pleasing to me. Connecting with the viewer is of utmost importance. I aim to communicate the essence of a relationship or a place with my visual language. My goal is to transport the viewer to a place, person or moment in their life. And if it stimulates conversation… that’s the cherry on top!

“When She Closed Her Eyes” acrylic, mixed media collage, 36″ x 36″
Although I am a very intuitive painter, the intuition is always balanced with the technique. The know-how. So depending on the stage of the process, one takes over while the other rests. Then the roles are reversed. At times they clash. That’s when you ponder, take your time, and do your best to create the beauty you strive for.

“That At Home Feeling” acrylic, mixed media collage, 10″ x 10″
I define and categorize my process in three stages: 1) the play – the most fun stage, 2) the ugly – the longest stage which is the struggle, and finally 3) refinement – the home stretch. With the exception of the last stage, during which I need absolute quiet, I blast the music, singing and dancing… and of course, painting.

“Look At Me” acrylic, mixed media, 20″ x 20″
Showing my work in progress on social media, regardless of which stage, doesn’t bother me. I’m not shy about showing my vulnerable side. Yes, deep down we artists are vulnerable. But I wholeheartedly believe if I can reflect this in my art—if I go deeper and get more personal—my art becomes more universal. It touches more people.

“Before The Dive” acrylic, mixed media collage, 10″ x 10″
I’m not afraid to pour my feelings into my paintings and express myself in an abstract way. For me the most important criteria is to be connected with my art. Once I am, you will be too!
Yildiz Grodowski invites you to follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
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