Enjoy the captivating wildlife portfolio of artist Brian Binder, whose masterful drawings breathe life into the intricacies of the natural world. See more by visiting his website.

“Reflection” pencil and color pencil, 13” x 19”
After experimenting with different mediums, I settled on pencil. All my drawings are created entirely of lead and color pencil. Each work represents over 100 hours of labor, as each animal is placed in complete scenes.

“The Christening Of A New Day” pencil and color pencil, 13” x 19”
I was born in Southwest Kansas but raised on the northeast plains of Colorado. I have drawn several farm scenes, but my passion for art was mostly inspired by trips to the mountains, where my heart remains. Watching the beautiful animals roam the Rocky Mountains fueled my artistic aspirations. I strive to capture those images and share those animals and the majestic scenery in my works, with a little of my own interpretations added for spice.

“Out From The Mist” pencil and color pencil, 13” x 19”
One time I attended a craft show in the mountains. The people there gave me a hard time about drawing mountain animals when I lived on the plains, yet I sold quite a few. I must agree with them, but a desire to eat has kept me on the plains where I make my living for now.

“The Way I Am” pencil and color pencil, 9” x 15”
I consider my style realistic impressionism. So much of my work includes a bit of tongue-in-check humor to deep thought.

“Moving On” pencil and color pencil, 16” x 20”
My drawing style took root in high school when I was drawing a wolf. I started with the eyes like always, then the hair and the animal’s conformation. My instructor at the time just nodded and told me to keep it up and the process would become faster with practice. Well, I’m not sure about that one, after days are still spent on each animal. But the excitement of watching the animal emerge is worth every minute.

“Life At Full Throttle” pencil and color pencil, 14” x 20”
Deciding what environment to place the animal in comes next. I rarely have a complete concept in mind when I start. Things always change as they come together. It’s a challenge to get the background in place without losing the contrast of the animal.

“The Unbreakable Bond” pencil and color pencil, 12” x 18
I began adding color pencils over the last ten to fifteen years. I find it adds a warmth and vividness to the drawings that pencil alone can’t exhibit. My long-term dream is to secure a living from my work, but for now, I’m a co-owner in a marine repair shop. It has a store front, and my co-owners graciously allow me a corner of it as an art gallery. Working in the marine environment has inspired me to add water to many of my drawings in the form of rivers, ponds, and lakes.

“What Are You Waiting For” pencil and color pencil, 12”x 18”
I’ve been honored to have been invited to exhibit my works in several regional art shows, and lately online art shows and have been fortunate to win several awards. I also launched my own website.

“Path Not Taken” pencil and color pencil, 10” x 14”
Recently, I’ve decided to expand my work to include animals from other parts of the world. My goal is to share their beauty and poise with those who view my works. I hope my artwork brings the same joy to my viewers as they bring to me when I create them.
Brian Binder invites you to follow him on Facebook.
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