Artist Bradley Pattison shares a fascinating life story and a portfolio of narrative paintings of familiar yet mysterious scenes. Learn more by visiting his website.

“Shell House” acrylic on canvas, 9“ x 12”
Painting is my vocation and my profession. I began painting 54 years ago, never having painted anything before in my life. The years passed and I forged on until I found my voice as an artist.

“The Kitchen” (room # 7 from The Apartment series) acrylic on canvas, 32” x 38”
In time I developed my technique and worked diligently to improve with each new painting. There are intentional mysteries in my work and many questions. I purposely paint my perspectives slightly askew to create movement and a feeling of dimension. My palette is made up of earth tones mixed with Prussian Blue, my favorite color in the world, and reds.

“The Conservatory” (room #8 from The Apartment series) acrylic on canvas, 36” X 34”
The narrative is most always the dichotomy of being alone or being lonely. My career has already been long, yet quite cloistered. With the support of my patron, collectors and the occasional gallery representation, I have, and always have had, all the attention and remuneration I required.

“The Master Bath” (from The Apartment series) acrylic on canvas, 14” X 11”
I have the extraordinary gift of being able to paint anything I choose without having concern of selling, egos or ugly comments. I paint every day of the week for at least seven hours, longer when I was young. During that time, I live the story the painting is telling with musical soundtracks, of my own creation, fueling my desire to paint.

“The Fall of Purgatory” a.k.a. “Ingress” acrylic on canvas, 64” X 103”
Many of my paintings have taken a year or more to complete, all the while not working on another canvas. I know the whole story of what’s happening in my scenarios. I know who just left a room, when and why. Who’s about to enter and why.

“La Rendezvous e la Blancheri” acrylic on canvas, 12” X 9”
Reactions to my paintings have never been ordinary. The work can be a wee bit too dark for some, but never frightening. They are dreams. They are pictures of places that dwell in my mind. With the exception of a few new paintings in the studio, my inventory is nonexistent. It’s strange, much like my career, everything I have ever painted has sold.

“The Convent of Forgotten Souls” black and white acrylic on canvas, 50” X 60”
In September, 2022, I spent the month living and painting at the Chateau Orquevaux Artists Residency in Orquevaux, France. It was an exceptional opportunity to live and work with fourteen other artists in a splendid chateau on an enchanted estate. What I learned about myself and my work became a clear understanding of where I am in life. My last act. What and how to best use my time in the studio is now paramount. As I have always painted in series of works, my approach will be the same.

“At The End of the Wall” acrylic on canvas, 60” x 48”
My newest series, which I am calling I’immeuble (The Apartment Building), will be comprised of ten paintings which allow the viewer an opportunity to peer into the lives of others through great and small windows at various times of day and night. I continue to continue. I hope to die with a paintbrush in my hand, but until that time, my intention is to do what I have always done, to work and produce the best paintings I am capable of making.
Bradley Pattison invites you to follow him on Instagram.
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