Bulgarian artist Stanislav Bojankov shares a collection of abstract paintings and installations created in his exciting contemporary style. Visit his website to see more.

“Just Rainy XXXVIII” acrylic on canvas, 60cm x 90cm
I completed my art education in the mid-90s at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts in Poland. It is one of the oldest schools in Europe. I received a quality traditional education, studying the basic technologies.

“Abstract Forest I” acrylic on canvas, 60cm x 80cm
This gave me the opportunity afterwards to start experimenting and working in many different fields—painting, graphics, drawing, collage. I produced my own paper, as well as experimenting with installations and objects. I have been drawing since I can remember, since I was little.

“A Large Heart Iconostasis I” painting installation, 240cm x 840cm
I have two approaches to my work. The first is an emotional/spontaneous outburst of energies. I try to master them through various means of expression, mainly watercolors, acrylics, drawings and monotypes. I like to enjoy the spontaneity of the process. Just as a composer creates his music and extracts from the depths of his consciousness the abstract sounds that express his sensations, emotions and personal vibrations.

“A Large Heart Iconostasis II” painting installation, 240cm x 840cm
Such are my series of abstract landscapes, inspired by jazz or my beloved Chopin. The second approach is conceptual. First I choose the sentence, the important message or thought that I want to recreate. Then I choose the technique, the means of expression to fill this thought or message with meaning and form. It is about important philosophical or existential messages.

“Imagination Play IX” acrylic on canvas,120cm x 80cm
Bulgaria is a country endowed with natural resources and beauty, both mountains and sea. Throughout its history, it has been at the crossroads of different civilizations. That started with primitive societies, cave art and the Neolithic, passing through the ancient Greek era, the Roman Empire, the Orthodox Byzantium, the Ottoman civilization and the Orient.

“Rainy Music III” acrylic on canvas, 50cm x 70cm
Thanks to these many and different cultures, a historical, intellectual, religious and mythological background has been created. It is unique in terms of its heritage and messages. This is best seen in the different fields of art.

“Just Rainy XLI” acrylic on canvas, 60cm x 60cm
As is typical for the Balkan countries which are new to the European Union, there is still weak development of the economy, democracy, and a lower standard of living. There is the lack of a real market for art, and education despite a centuries-old accumulation of good traditions.

“Autumnal Mood VI” acrylic on canvas, 70cm x 130cm
In recent years, Bulgaria has been increasingly integrating with Europe. This is a difficult and slow process. Growth is associated with changes in thinking, mentality, perception of the world, and of oneself as well.

“Jazzy Mood LXXX” acrylic on canvas, 50cm x 70cm
I consistently participate in various art exhibitions around the world. These include group, thematic, curatorial projects, biennials, triennials and others. I also do solo shows. This is part of my daily work. I do not have a manager, but instead manage myself as a freelancer. I’ve participated in approximately 400 international exhibitions and about 45 international and national awards in the field of graphics, drawing and painting. My work resides in about 50 public collections and museums around the world.
Stanislov Bojankov invites you to follow on Facebook and Instagram.
Love the vibrant colors. My favorite is “Autumnal Mood VI”