Artists Safir and Rifas present an incredible portfolio of dark and dreamlike figurative paintings. Visit their website to see more of their art.

“Behind the Great Wall of Art” oil on canvas, 113cm x75cm by Rifas

“Entopy” oil on canvas, 140cm x 190cm by Rifas

“God is Dead” oil on canvas, 100cm x 70cm by Rifas
Our works have deep roots in expressionist, romantic, and macabre art. Our contemporary art reflects a multitude of dark meaningful subjects like love and death, the fall of the angels, good vs. evil, contemporary crisis, underground social archetypes and dark dystopian worlds.

“When to My Funeral 1 and 2” oil on canvas, 160cm x 110cm by Rifas
Some of my creations contain a materialism that is visible through the relief textures I use in my paintings. Through this technique, I realize a profound and almost deep space perspective. They alter the way someone looks at my creation; a light alto-relief in paintings relate to a universe that is overflowing. I have the tendency to share my emotions more visibly in my art. The psychological meaning of my figurative, cosmogonical abstracts or the vanitas still lifes and sad landscapes have a more direct meaning and are easier to relate to the viewer.

“Mephistopheles” oil on canvas, 190cm x140cm by Rifas
I, Safir, am the younger one. I was like an apprentice to my sister and learned from her, perfecting the knowledge through high school, faculty, and a master’s degree. My art is deeply influenced by romantic, Renaissance, and contemporary styles. These influences are blended into a melange that expresses a dark meaning in each of my paintings, no matter how sweet the colors or the subject.

“Beautiful Creatures/The Kiss” oil on canvas, 60cm x 160cm by Safir
Darkness has a special meaning and place in my artistic interpretations. I tend to use contrasts in every meaning of the word: a contrast of colors, subjects, concepts, lights, shadows, life, and death. The contrast and equality, the balance of these two concepts, have a strong influence on my creation. I always tend to represent the darker side of life, but I do not reject the beauty of all things.

“The Birth of Mammon” oil on canvas, 150cm x 200cm by Safir
I can describe my approach to subjects very well as a vision of two universes. What is real and fantastic of the underworld and the world above, the realities that empower me to represent the fine line between the two worlds. Landscapes, figurative works, or still lifes all have a contrasting view of things. A flower may be beautiful, but when you discover a spider inside, it makes you think of the danger it hides.

“Venera and Death” oil on canvas, 2 modules of 60cm x 160cm each by Safir
When a beautiful woman’s portrait is painted in bright colors but her expression is sad, it shows a profound understanding of psychology and expressionism. A sea landscape can be more than a beautiful weather report.

“Queen Bathory” oil on canvas 100cm x 100cm by Safir
My paintings depict a world where you must search the full meaning. Especially if the title is significant, the truth is always hidden in plain sight.

“Login to Goya’s Universe” oil on canvas, 140cm x 190cm by Safir
Our creations are like a book that you can read in chapters. You just have to have the patience to see it all and to look between the images.
Safir and Rifas invite you to follow on Facebook and Instagram.
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