Featured Artist Marsha Thornton

Featured artist Marsha Thornton expresses her love of nature in her paintings. See more about this versatile artist by visiting her website.



My name is Marsha Thornton, and growing up on the Oregon Coast, I loved art as a child and have enjoyed doing many art forms. As with most kids, I started out drawing and coloring. While still a child, drawing and coloring soon came to include sewing and needlework. I even earned my Art Badge in Girl Scouts doing some pretty zany stuff! I have always enjoyed a challenge and eventually moved to designing crocheted pot holders and afghans as gifts for family and friends. Next in my evolution, I moved on to craft painting – painting on anything that couldn’t move out of my way!



About six years ago I was given an oil painting set for Christmas and began to experiment. I found this to be so satisfying that I was inspired to begin taking art classes, in drawing, acrylic painting and watercolor painting, at a local community center. In the past year alone, I’ve taken six weeks of workshops to improve my skills, and have also earned certification to teach wet on wet oil painting and am currently teaching in the Edmonton, Alberta area in Canada, where I enjoy dual citizenship. I enjoy teaching and find it very fulfilling to see the success and enjoyment of the students.



I presently work mostly in oil, in both wet on wet and traditional techniques, while I still enjoy playing with acrylic, watercolor, and drawing. I am a realist at heart, with a desire to develop a more painterly style. I paint mostly landscapes and florals, and it is my plan to incorporate more wildlife in my work in the future.



Nature is my inspiration. Most of my art is of nature. Nature, to me, is peaceful and beautiful. My paintings and photographs instill those feelings in me, and from comments I have received, I gain satisfaction that they have the same effect on others. When I am painting I am in another world, where nothing else exists – my world is perfect; peaceful and calm.



My website has a Blog in which I enjoy sharing my new paintings and art information with my readers and students. There is also a sign up form on the website where beginner artists can sign up to receive free weekly tips for learning or for improving their painting.

I feel fortunate to have found my passion and destiny in life.  I especially appreciate being able to share that passion with others, through my paintings and teaching.


  1. Marsha: This is simply fabulous — I know you well, and I’ve learned much more from your biography. And I simply LOVE your art work; the florals, the mountains (although Calgary’s winter was long enough this year — maybe you can do a SUMMER mountain scene. lol).

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