Featured Artists Rob Matthews & Leslie Guinan

Enjoy the fascinating collaborative work of these two artists, and visit their website at Hidden Spring Design to see more.



“Fracture” concrete, encaustic, found object; 35” x 35” x 2”


Most of our work is three dimensional and very tactile. We use a mixture of materials, with light-weight concrete providing the structure and “canvas.” Each piece begins with a hand-built form. Shape, texture, and ornament are cast in the piece when it is poured. This can include anything from hand-cut glass to paper to found objects to plant material to stones.



“Murmuration” concrete, encaustic, glass, paper


After the piece has cured, it is painted with concrete stains, which create a chemical reaction with the concrete and are permanent. Additional color, texture and contrast are created with encaustic, a paint made of beeswax, tree resin and pigment.


Red Grid

“Red Grid” concrete, glass; 35” x 35” x 2”


As is true of most artists, we aspire to make people think and feel when they experience our work. Much of our work is architectural in nature. In recent years we have created a body of work that explores the feelings of belonging and alienation that the built environment engenders.



“Chasm” concrete, encaustic, found objects; 35” x 35” x 2”


As the housing crisis eases, our work has begun to focus on abstract forms and the effects of color, texture and natural elements on the human psyche. Because we sell our work at art shows across the country, we have the privilege of seeing people react to our work.


"Power of Suggestion I"  concrete, encaustic, stones, spalted madrone

“Power of Suggestion I” concrete, encaustic, stones, spalted madrone


Abstracts are fascinating in this way, as emotional reactions to a piece can vary widely among viewers. Each person brings the entirety of their experience to a piece of art. We have witnessed tears, joy, a sense of calm and even smoldering anger in response to the same piece.



“Europa” concrete, glass, pigment; 35” x 35” x 1.5”


We learn a great deal about ourselves and people in general as we discuss our work with the people who come to see it. We are so grateful to be able to live this creative life and experience moments of connection, understanding and expansion through art.


Rob Matthews and Leslie Guinan invite you to follow them on Facebook.


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