Featured Artist Briana Fitzpatrick

Artist Briana Fitzpatrick creates spiritually expressive mixed media paintings. Visit her website to see more of her work.


owl painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Soaring to the Light” mixed media and oils, 20″ x 24″


I believe my passion for art sparked at the age of two while watching my older sister perform dance on stage. I told my mom I wanted to dance, so she signed me up for lessons.


octopus painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Overseer” mixed media and oils, 24″ x 24″


Aside from dance, I grew up training in a multitude of challenging disciplines. These included, but were not limited to gymnastics, archery, contortion, martial arts and aerial arts. Dance, however, spoke to my heart—it became my greatest passion and I trained in it for fifteen years.


animal painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Catapulting Dreams” mixed media and oils, 30″ x 24″


Unexpectedly, at the beginning of my professional dance career, I sustained a knee injury that required surgery. While recovering, I developed an eating disorder as I prepared for future dance auditions. Just as I was about to get back to performing, the worldwide lockdown happened and left me without a stage to perform on. My emotional and physical stamina waned, bringing me to a crossroad. That’s when I knew I had to refocus my passion.


figurative and animal painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Soul’s Eruption” mixed media and oils, 48″ x 36″


I believe my faith led to me to discovering my passion for painting through the Milan Art Institute. I dove wholeheartedly into pursuing art and developing my voice and artistic style through their one-year Mastery Program.


Artist Briana Fitzpatrick at work in her studio

Artist Briana Fitzpatrick at work in her studio


Then I discovered that I loved to incorporate all my various art disciplines into creating paintings. From painting with my feet while balancing in a headstand, to using archery to shoot balloons filled with paint, I express themes of liveliness, boldness and freedom through my artwork. I invite the viewer to explore and discover hidden details.


floral painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Exquisiteness Blossoming” mixed media and oils, 48″ x 48″


While taking the Milan’s Mastery Program, I applied and became one of 13 artists selected from across the world to compete on the third season of their reality television show The Outstanding Artist. That led to a month-long journey in Spetses, Greece, competing for the chance to win $25,000.


cardinal painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Take Flight” mixed media and oils, 9″ x 12″


I returned from Greece filled with new experiences, inspiration and fire in my gut to continue developing and pushing the boundaries of my art.


animal painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Blind Power” mixed media and oils, 11″ x 14″


I’m currently based in Upstate New York. I worked with my dad to convert a school bus into a tiny mobile home so I can pursue my dreams of traveling and creating in new places. I want to meet more artists, communities and people, and see more of the beauty this world offers.


jellyfish painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Stellar Effervescence” mixed media and oils, 30″ x 36″


Art helped me heal and reconnect with my purpose in life through combining all my various art disciplines, capturing the energy and beauty of movement with color. I believe my purpose through my art is to not only remind others of how beautiful life is, but to inspire them to embrace their inner light and follow their passions.


fish painting by Briana Fitzpatrick

“Harmony” mixed media and oils, 36″ x 48″


Aside from art, my greatest love is rooted in my faith and family. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I can’t thank them enough for all of their support.


Artist Briana Fitzpatrick invites you to follow her on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.


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  1. Sima Wewetzer says


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