Featured Artist Michelle Bracewell

Artist Michelle Bracewell shares a collection of whimsical found object assemblage that captures times gone by. See more by visiting her website.


mixed media sculpture of vintage objects

“Turbo” mixed media assemblage, 12″ x 10″ x 6″


My artwork breathes new life into vintage and antique found objects, salvaged cast-offs, and forgotten relics, each piece whispering tales of a bygone era. As a mixed media assemblage artist, I see potential where others see abandonment. A copper tea kettle becomes the basis for a time traveler, a lampshade skeleton becomes a circus tent, and so on. I am captivated by the history embedded in objects. I find beauty in what is often overlooked and discarded.


vintage object assemblage

“Herby’s Great Adventure” mixed media assemblage, 14″ x 12″ x 4″


The genesis of my assemblages varies. Sometimes a specific treasure sparks the creation, other times I envision a piece and seek out the perfect components to bring it to life. My creative process is rooted in the thrill of the hunt, scouring estate sales, second-hand shops, yard sales, flea markets, and the like. “Junkin” is my nirvana, an endless source of inspiration, supplies, and joy.


vintage object assemblage

“Cash is King” mixed media assemblage, 16.75″ x 11.5″ x 9.5″


Once I find my treasures, the real work begins. Each piece needs a core idea or a story, and the challenge is in how these elements fit together like a puzzle. These objects often speak to me, guiding their transformation with a narrative of their own. Then the fun begins. I alter most pieces with paint, metal, or clay work, reshaping their identities and bringing the story to life.


vintage tea-themed found object assemblage

“Kit-Tea (Enjoy some Kit-Tea)” mixed media assemblage, 13.5″ x 8″ x 6″


The assembly process can be the most demanding. It requires meticulous attention to ensure stability and balance. Techniques such as soldering, using steel-reinforced adhesives, screws, wire, rivets, rods, bolts, and epoxy clay are all part of my toolkit. Each piece dictates its needs. This summer I’m learning MIG welding to add to my toolkit!


babydoll themed found object sculpture

“BIG Baby” mixed media assemblage, 24″ x 9″


My passion for old things started at a young age. I vividly remember my first job at 15, working weekends at a concession stand at a large flea market in Houston. This job provided me with the means to go antiquing, or “junkin.” I was hooked!


circus themed mixed media assemblage

“My Circus” mixed media ssemblage, 20” x 7.5”


The thrill of discovering these hidden gems never diminishes. Each estate sale, thrift store visit, and yard sale is a new adventure, a treasure hunt that fuels my creativity. I am constantly on the lookout for pieces that resonate with me, that have a story to tell or an interesting history. These items often inspire the themes and narratives of my work. I find immense joy in reimagining and repurposing them into new creations.


mixed media assemblage with vintage objects

“Ram Tough” mixed media assemblage, 14″ x 6″ x 3″


Creating art from these treasures is a deeply personal and fulfilling journey. Each assemblage is unique, a one-of-a-kind piece that carries a piece of history and a touch of magic. The process is often long and intricate, but it is a labor of love that brings me great satisfaction. I take pride in my ability to see beyond the surface of these objects, to recognize their potential and transform them into something beautiful and meaningful.


vintage found object sculpture

“Hear Me Roar” mixed media assemblage, 24″ x 7″


As I continue to grow and evolve as an artist, I am always looking for new techniques and skills to incorporate into my work. This summer, I am excited to be learning MIG welding. It will open up new possibilities for my assemblages and allow me to explore new dimensions in my art.


vintage found object assemblage

“Coming Out of Her Shell” mixed media assemblage, 11″ x 5″


In the end, my goal is to create pieces that resonate with others, that bring joy and perhaps even evoke fond memories. Each piece I create is a testament to my love for the past and my passion for bringing forgotten objects back to life. I hope that my art inspires others to see the beauty in the overlooked and discarded, and to appreciate the rich histories that these objects carry with them.


Michelle Bracewell invites you to follow on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.



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