Featured mixed media artist Vicki Morrison presents a stunning collection of nature-based abstract paintings.
Featured Artist Derrick Whaley
Photographer Derrick Whaley presents a portfolio of surreal and abstract images that represent the essence of life.
Your Portfolio and Signature Style
An integral part of success for an artist is becoming recognizale by using a distinct, signature style. Here’s how to get started.
Featured Artist Linda Sirow
Abstract artist Linda Sirow presents a collection of bold abstract encaustics and shares her painting technique.
Featured Artist Richard Shaffett
Painter Richard Shaffett shares a compelling tropical portfolio filled with vivid colors and intense sunlight.
Featured Artist Marsha Wilson
Featured artist Marsha Wilson presents a fascinating collection of intricate artwork created using pyrography.
Featured Artist Mark Levin
Featured artist Mark Levin presents a stunning collection of handmade wood furniture and sculpture for the home.
They’re Not Your Customers!
Most people don’t want your art. That doesn’t matter. Here’s how to cut through all the noise and find your target audience.
Featured Artist Michelle Davis Petelinz
Artist Michelle David Petelinz of Kindred Spirit Studio creates mixed media sculpture that integrates elements of different cultures.
Featured Artist Richie Kessler
Featured artist Richie Kessler’s bold and contemporary collection of art is a vibrant testimony to Pop Art influences.
Featured Artist Ilene Gruber Adams
Artist Ilene Gruber Adams presents a collection of vibrant, emotive paintings that celebrate the human spirit through the transformative power of color.
Featured Artist Sandra Harris
Enjoy the delightful work of pastel artist Sandra Harris, whose work is focused on pet and wildlife portraits.
Why Your Art Isn’t Selling
The reason your art fails to sell is probably not what you’re thinking. Let’s dive into the unspoken truths about art sales.
Featured Artist Valérie Le Meur
Enjoy the portfolio of French painter Valérie Le Meur, who captures places in a colorful and expressive style.