Often, public art requires a team of creative professionals, stakeholders, and contractors working under the direction of one artist, often referred to as the “art director”.
Most of Your Art Marketing Will Fail. Keep Going.
The people who do care about original art are fewer. And the ones who care about your art are fewer still. Don’t give up.
Raise The Status of Women Artists
Throughout history many accomplished women artists’ contributions have been ignored and the opportunities for contemporary women artists are insufficient.
The Creative Process
Finding inspiration, meaning and passion is a search all artists make as part of the creative process.
How I Built an International Art Education Business
For the past seven years, we have had three instructors teaching for us online, as well as two teaching our course live, four translators, and thirteen other instructors in training, all preparing to teach online and in the real world.
Make Your Art Show Booth into a Gallery
A recent visit to the Boca Grande Invitational Art Festival shows how different artists find solutions to overcome the elements and give a welcoming presentation.
Increase Your Profit Margin: Raise Your Prices
There are ways to add perceived value to your work, many of which you can easily implement. This provides you additional reasons to charge more for your art.
Increase Your Profit Margin: Lower Your Costs
If you want to build a sustainable small business, it’s essential to keep track of income and costs to have a clear view of what you are earning, and to understand your profit margin.
Art and Healing
My purpose is to share my abstract nature photography with the hope that it can inspire, heal and awaken the imagination.
Use the Right Resolution for Your Art Images
Here are three free resources will help you get organized and use the right resolution and the right formats.
Make Your Art More Collectible
Repeat business grows business, and that’s good news to an entrepreneur who has collectible work for sale.
Know Your Customer
The more you learn about your target customer, the better you are able to reach them, speak their language, engage them and make sales of your art.
Hiscox Report Reveals New Online Art Sales Trends
Online art sales are in their infancy (only 8.4% of the overall art market), and early adopters often face challenges and frustration.
10 Ways to Share Your Artist Story
As an artist, your story is an integral part of your work and the experience that your collectors have. Here’s how to create it, and share it.