Show your best art. When presenting a whole portfolio, you will be judged on the weakest piece of work that you have.
Secrets of a Successful Open Studio
Artist Rosemary Conroy explains the details in running a highly successful open studio event every year, and cultivating collectors.
How to Deal with those Dreaded Shipping Costs
Shipping costs can set up a psychological barrier for many customers, and may even kill a sale.
The Adult Coloring Book Phenomenon
Why are diehard fans cropping up for these trendy coloring books?
5 Ways to Organize Your Art Business (and Avoid Headaches!)
Is your art business organized? Save yourself unnecessary stress by getting organized with these 5 useful tips
Are You Selling Art in the Wrong Places?
Are you doing the same thing over and over again, when you aren’t really making many sales?
Artist FAQ: Art Reproductions Can Help Your Career
Artists can experiment by making reproductions of their artwork on a variety of materials.
Overcoming Wild Card Event Fails
When you found a non-profit collective you wind up being the go-to person for pretty much everything and anything.
The Artist Doesn’t Always Know Best
There are times when our own opinion isn’t enough; when we need to reach out to others for feedback that will help guide our direction. In those instances, crowdsourcing can prove invaluable.
From Concept to Market: One Artist’s Story
What does it take to take a product idea all the way to the mass market? This artist shares her experiences.
Art in Embassies Program
Since 1963, the U.S. State Department has run a program called Art in Embassies (AIE) that showcases the work of American artists from various media in exhibits all over the world.
Feeling the Infringement? Take Action Now
There is recent news out about copyright infringement, and none of it is good. But, the upside is that there is something you can do about it. You will need to take action now.
What’s Killing Your Art Sales?
Use that story to grab attention and use your message to let shoppers know how much they will love becoming one of your collectors.