Evolution of an Artist Salon

These sorts of events are good for artists in any stage of their careers.

Put Your Business Cards Away

Why simply giving your business card to interested prospects is the worst thing you can do.

How I Built an Email Campaign and Sold More Art

Its power to reach consumers and convert consumers is due to the fact that over 91% of all US consumers use email every single day.

Public Speaking for Artists

It is a pleasure to hear people speaking boldly about what is important to them. Your presentation creates a bond with those present.

Artists are Entrepreneurs

I spend at least 50% of my time researching new clients and opportunities, marketing and doing administrative work for my art business.

Conversation with a Potter

A fun and wide-ranging conversation shares thoughts on how artists can carve out a business model that works.

What is Affordable Art?

What happened when a customer thought a work of great art was out of her reach? A gallery closer tells the story of what is truly “affordable” when a collector falls in love.

How to Overcome Objections to the Sale of Your Art

To understand more clearly, you need to listen carefully to your prospective customers, and you need to also put yourself in their place

Artist Website Strategies: Are You Making this Major Mistake?

Visit almost any artist website, and you will see common mistakes that can easily be fixed. One of the biggest errors is failing to give enough information.

Sell Your Art into a Niche Market

Niche markets exist everywhere. Artists who specialize in a particular niche may find an ideal pool of collectors. 

What I Learned from Being an Art Gallery Owner

Michael Soltis, an artist who has also owned a gallery, shares his insights and experience.

Give Yourself a Promotion

In my estimation, about 80% of artists are “in the pack” and struggling to break out

Have You Considered Leasing Your Artwork?

A downpayment is taken at the start of the lease, and monthly payments are made through auto-pay rather than go through the hassle of invoicing.

Will Your Great Idea Translate into a Great Business?

You’ve got it – a new twist on an old concept that will really work. Or will it? When you come up with a concept for a collection that you think might sell, test drive it against reality.