Entering art competitions can be stressful and confusing. John R. Math shares this guide to help you avoid mistakes.
6 Ways to End the Year Creatively
During the quietest time of the year for your art business, you can make the most of your time even if you’re not meeting customers and selling your work.
The Power of Persistence
Persistence is the act of doing something each day to move you closer to your goal.
12 Ways Artists Can Stop Procrastinating
Be honest, do you have a lot of unfinished projects sitting around? Are you unable to account for what happened?
Where in the World would You go to make Art?
Where in the world would YOU travel to make art? If you had no obligations, If you had enough money to live for six months, If you could travel anywhere that would inspire you, where would you go?
The Curse of Knowledge
You have more knowledge about what you know than anyone else. And, because you can’t “unlearn” what you know, you make assumptions.
What Made You an Artist?
Some artists claim they were born to it. For others, there was a catalyst. Perhaps a teacher, an event, or a realization that they needed to create artwork to live their best life.
How Natasha Wescoat Rocked Her Online Art Sales
A well-rounded web presence is an essential part of your art business and brand if you want to sell online.
Set Your Goals for the Lifestyle You Want
Prioritize your life over your work, and everything for your art business will fall into place. Then set goals.
Lessons from a Licensed Artist
An interview with artist Alex Colombo, who shares her thoughts on licensing art, the learning process and getting results.
Ask the Experts: Art Licensing
If you could pick one essential thing that artists need to know before licensing their art, what would that be?
Evolution of a Greeting Card Line
From first concept through end sale, here is how one entrepreneur created a line of greeting cards.
Should You Discount Your Art?
Have you lowered prices on your artwork or handmade craft because you lost confidence in your ability to sell?
Are You Afraid of Success?
There is a lot of talk about the fear of failure, but what if you aren’t afraid to fail? What about being afraid of succeeding?