Is Art School Worth the Money?

Art Schools top the list of institutions with the most deeply in-debt students.

Choose the Right Photographer for Your Art

Photographers who specialize in photographing art do it because they love art. It’s that simple.”

Fear of Failure

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Your “Aha Moment”

The “Aha” moment. That moment of clarity. A sudden realization, a point where everything clicks. It may change your life.

Healing Arts

Art in healthcare is about bringing the artist’s sensibility to a patient – to encourage them to not be afraid of trying new things and to be creative.

4 Time Management Tips for Artists

Each day when you make your To Do list, be sure to highlight those items that will produce income now for your business.

8 Negative Booth Behaviors that Lose Sales

Are you sabotaging yourself with these common behaviors that turn off customers and lose sales?

Business Lessons from Your Best Friend

Beyond the outfield fence, a hill slopes steeply to the woods where he can search in the bushes to find the home run balls. They are always there if you look hard enough.

Transformational Art

It is crazy to see my artwork come to life on all these products.

10 Steps to Better Art Show Sales

Want to increase your art sales at fairs and festivals? Here are ten tips to increase sales and make the most of your show.

Fun with Photos

You can get some amazing effects just playing around with the many features it offers.

Top 10 Ways that Galleries Find Artists

Puzzled as to how to connect with galleries? It doesn’t have to be a mystery. A survey of gallery owners reveals the best ways to connect and be found.

How to Sell Your Work to Museum Stores

Selling art and craft to museum shops is very different than working with traditional galleries and stores.

Artists & Doctors Create their own Healthcare Reform

The O+ Festival could serve as a prototype for other cities to follow, not only in helping artists get better health care, but by bringing awareness to the health-related hardships artists face. – Samantha Levin