What is Success?

How do you define success as an artist? Do you measure by number of shows, money earned, acclaim? Have your goals changed over time?

Brilliant Idea Increases Art Studio Income Dramatically

Siyeh Glass in Atlanta, Georgia came up with a concept that made them one of the most popular destinations in their city.

Interview with Greeting Card Designer Kate Harper

The good news, from my observation, is that the Handmade and alternative card business is doing OK and I’ve had a rep confirm this recently.

How to Generate Buzz for Your Next Studio Event

Are you planning an open studio for the holiday season, and want to draw a crowd? 

Consultation Case Study: Improving a Greeting Card Line

 An artist who designed a line of greeting cards requested a consultation to evaluate her collection and sales strategies. Is this line ready for retail?

Have You Been Knocked Off, Ripped Off and Pissed Off?

What happens when your art or creative ideas get ripped off by imitators? Here’s how some artists fought back.

Is There a Future for Trade Shows and Sales Reps?

With the advent of internet shopping and an abundance of websites, the face of commerce is continuing to change entire industries.

How to Make Your Customers Fall in Love with You

A well-planned strategy to connect with and court your prospective clients can make them fall truly, madly, deeply in love with you and your work.

Target Your Market to Increase Your Sales

As an artist, can you identify your target market? What you need to know and how it can help your business.

Tired of Haggling Over Prices?

When selling your art or craft product, do you allow customers to devalue your work by haggling with you over the price?

Energy Art Gains Momentum

“Energy is one of the most ephemeral qualities to depict.”

6 Ways to Learn from Your Customers

How much do you as an artist know about what your customers want? Here’s how to find out, directly from them.

Spring Announcements

Artsy Shark’s new logo is debuted, and featured artists submissions are opened. Also please join us for a Creative Souls Telesummit starting April 25th!

Are You Ready for Prime Time?

Take stock of your portfolio, your line, your sales, and be honest – are you presenting totally professional work to the marketplace?