Don’t lose track of your existing customers. They are the key to growing your creative business.
3 Art Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid
It can be challenging to select work for a portfolio presentation that will make maximum impact and be memorable.
How Artists Can Build Credibility
People want to buy art from experts, not amateurs. How can you share your expertise and gain credibility as an artist?
Where to Sell Art Online
Want to increase your art sales by selling online? Here’s what you need to know.
Simple Ways to Add Value and Boost Your Sales
Designed to entice, this is adding something that makes them say, “Wow, this is great. I want to buy this”.
The Handmade Marketplace: Virtual Chambers of Commerce
I see a natural progression happening for artists. They look for a place to sell and start out on one of the big marketplaces. They learn the basics, gain confidence, and branch out on their own.
Add a Customized Element When Selling Art
How your customer – and your creative business – can benefit when you offer customization.
Add a Turnkey Element When Selling Art
Why should an artist consider convenience and “ready to use” as an element to build into their offering?
Making a Living with Live Painting
These two artists who have both found a niche in the live painting arena. Their venues differ, but their approach is the same.
3 Things Art Collectors Need to Know
Collectors don’t only need to know that the art they are considering is right for them. Here are three important factors that close the sale.
What Motivates Your Collectors?
The art that collectors own also allows them to express their own creativity – because selecting, buying and displaying art is a creative endeavor in itself.
Top 3 Marketing Mistakes Artists Make
Without the kind of marketing clarity that comes from this foundational work, your website and the copy on it will not connect with your target audience.
The Value of Art In Situ
These artists use in situ photos to share their art with customers. Here’s why you should, too.