As the artist, you are the expert on your work, and have the most information to assist the prospect in making a decision.
How to Build a Vibrant Art Community
Artists who work in isolation don’t thrive as much as artists with a supportive community. Here’s how they start and grow.
How to Wholesale Your Work to Major Retailers
Some chains have corporate headquarters where buyers will meet with vendors or their representatives to place orders for distribution nationally, or make purchases for large regions of the country.
Art Business Success: Design for Interiors
Art can translate perfectly into different formats that enhance living environments. Each of these five artists approaches the marketplace for interior design products in their own unique way.
Artist Success: Marketing Tips from a Pro
People are losing those ‘real life’ connections and I think they miss them. My events connect me to my collectors and create excitement for each of us
Want to Enter the Wholesale Marketplace?
Are you ready to take your art or handmade products into the wholesale market? Start planning ahead of time. Small creative entrepreneurs often work alone or perhaps with a partner, but jumping into the wholesale marketplace means you need to think big. Wholesaling is a sustainable model based on repeat orders and growing […]
Artist Success: Making a Soul Connection
I think my strength is the willingness to admit my unheroic truths. We connect in the humble and vulnerable spaces that make us mere mortals.
Art Fair Show Tips: Making Sales After the Show
Consider in-person meetings at a show to be the beginning of a longer sales cycle, resulting in future transactions.
Art Fair Show Tips: How to Make More Sales
Touch is a key element of customer experience. Encourage shoppers to feel the weight, texture, and quality of the work for sale.
Art Fair Show Tips: Booth Display
A multi-level display is often quite effective in a show booth, but this will depend on your medium and the size of your work.
Artist-Run Gallery Space as a Model for Success
These self-directed artists didn’t seek gallery representation. Instead, they opened their own retail spaces to display art and interact with collectors.