Sell Art to Corporate Clients

Is your art appropriate for placement in a commercial environment? Here’s how to enter the marketplace for this sales channel.

The Artist’s Guide to Building an Effective Website

Want to sell your artwork online directly through your artist website? Start with these basics to impress and convert visitors.

Should You Donate Your Artwork?

Some ideas and alternatives for artists who have been asked to donate their artwork to a charitable cause.

How Art is Licensed

What is art licensing, and how do artists enter the marketplace? This article shares the basics on how to get started.

Build Your Art Business Locally

The easiest place to sell your work might be right near your home. Use these tips to meet local business people, contacts and collectors.

Display Your Work for Maximum Sales

The better the presentation, the more your artwork will appeal to your audience. Use these tips to create a compelling display.

How Art Commissions Can Grow Your Business

Art commissions can be an important income stream that adds versatility and collaboration to your small business.

Checklist for a Successful Open Studio

Ready to open your studio to the public? Use these steps to connect with fans and sell more of your work when you put on an event.

Test Market Your Work with Retailers

A seasoned craft artist shares insights on partnering with galleries and retailers to test market your work.

Sell More Art at Fairs & Festivals

Quite often, fairs and festivals are the initial point of contact with potential collectors. Keep the conversation going, and close future sales from the leads you develop.

Are You Looking for an Artist Agent?

Although there are many honest art dealers and galleries to work with, there are also people who take advantage of artists.

Why Pricing Consistency Matters

Do your art prices remain constant, whether selling directly to collectors, online or through a third party? Here’s why consistency matters.

How to Use Coupons as Art Sales Incentives

Want to offer special deals without running a sale? Consider offering coupons to incentivize purchasing.

How to Connect with Art Galleries

What’s the best way for artists to approach galleries and gain representation? It may not be what you expect.