Streamline Your Studio Production

Increase profitability, control your costs, and save your sanity by becoming more efficient in the studio. 

Conversation with a Color Consultant

A conversation with artist and color consultant Barbara Jacobs reveals what artists need to know about interior color choices and design.

An Interior Designer Talks About Selecting Art

Art is an integral part of decor, setting the mood and reflecting the interests of the owner. What do interior designers consider when choosing art?

What Artists Should Know About Outsourcing

As an artist, your most valuable time is spent in the studio. How can you get the help you need to run the rest of your business?

How an Entrepreneur Built an Online Wearable Art Business

Israeli entrepreneur Shahaf Gal runs Bones and Balloons, a fun, contemporary clothing and accessories company that sells wearables featuring colorful collage designs.

How to Choose the Right Artist Residency

Artist residencies are dedicated places around the world that offer artists of all disciplines a place to focus on their creative projects away from their usual lives.

How Daily Painting Can Help You Grow as an Artist

Two artists took the daily painting practice further, working within themes that created compelling series that expressed their interests and experiences.

Small Business Entrepreneur Thinks Big

With an art background in big business, Clint Eagar was prepared to make his own entrepreneurial foray a success. Here’s how he did it.

Make Your Art More Collectible

Repeat business grows business, and that’s good news to an entrepreneur who has collectible work for sale.

One Word That Can Transform Your Art Business

Lack of focus can leave your audience wondering, “What is it that they really do?” or “Is this a hobby?” It can put you in a position of being instantly forgettable.

Is Your Art Right for the Corporate Market?

Considering selling your work to corporate clients? Here’s what you need to know.

How Artists Earn: Art-Related Products

Artists may add a much-needed price point spread, or even attract an entirely new audience who are not prospective collectors of original art.

3D Printed Art on the Rise with Artists & Sculptors

Here are four artists using 3D Printing in their art or artistic process. You be the judge. Are they Artists or Makers?

How Artists Can Work with Interior Designers

Artists can build long-term business relationships with designers, but should understand that every designer has as their priority the needs of their customers.