How the Arts Benefit Communities

The economic and cultural impact of arts in communities is significant and growing. Here’s why art matters, and how it makes a difference.

6 Things Artists Must Stop Doing—Now!

Are you guilty of any of these self-destructive activities? Stop right now. They won’t help your art business or your sales.

Your Portfolio and Signature Style

An integral part of success for an artist is becoming recognizale by using a distinct, signature style. Here’s how to get started. 

How Artists Can Overcome Fear and Promote Themselves

Artist Corrina Thurston writes about her personal experience in taking risks, how artists can overcome fears and promote their work.

Are You Selling Out?

by Carolyn Edlund Do you have to compromise your versatility to meet market demands, or can you stay true to your artistic vision?     An artist recently complained that she couldn’t get any interest from collectors because her work was eclectic and “too versatile.” She went on to say that customers wanted to be […]

How to Develop Confidence as an Artist

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, nurturing self-assurance can have a significant impact on how you succeed.

My Art, My Refuge

Lis Zadravec writes a heartfelt ode to the power of creativity, the sanctuary of the studio, and the benefits of being an artist.

Organize Your Studio Space

As a visual artist, your studio is a place where creativity should flow freely. A cluttered and disorganized studio can stifle productivity.

Build Your Self-Confidence as an Artist

As an artist and creative entrepreneur, you can be your own greatest advocate. But you can be your worst enemy, too.

How to Deal with Negative Criticism

Negative feedback can be frustrating and distressing. Resist the urge to escalate into a battle and use these techniques to calm the storm.

Jumping In With Both Feet

You can keep the day job and build your business slowly, or jump in with both feet and sink or swim. Which one did you choose?

Art Collector Celebrates Artists with Studio Visits

Enthusiastic art collector and advocate Josh Kasper brings the hidden world of studio creation to light through live and virtual interviews.

How to Deal with Difficult People

An interview with communications scientist Demetria McNeal on how to improve relationships by communicating more successfully.

Success Story of an Autistic Artist

Family support was key to autistic painter Wiley Johnson’s journey as an artist.