What Makes Art Remarkable?

Remarkable art works on several levels, with a concept that is deeper and more meaningful than what initially meets the eye.

Commit to Imperfection

I’ve gotten into the habit, when starting off a new workshop, of letting the participants know that I’m planning to be imperfect.

The Power of Trust

The most basic element of all relationships is trust – business associations as well as friendships depend on it.

Artists on Location

Artsy Shark celebrates artists in the field, hard at work, showing, selling, or gathering inspiration.

Artists, Do You Need an Agent?

There is a huge hunger (and confusion) among artists about how to sell their work. Would an agent be the solution?

In The Studio

Artsy Shark celebrates the artist’s studio, and presents a gallery of candid shots of our artist friends at work

Working for Free

Should artists work for free? Some people think so. This attitude hurts the business of art and can destroy self-confidence.

Top Traits of Successful Artists

It’s one thing to seek business, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. That’s just a speed bump to artists who are in a success mindset.

Thriving as an Artist in Mid-Life

Rhonda Schaller, author of  Create Your Art Career shares wisdom for getting centered and creating a vision in mid-life.

In Praise of Older Artists

Later-in-life artists bring a tremendous amount of life experience to their chosen practice, and with great dedication somehow often end up making up for lost time in building a new career.

An Artist’s Life in Italy

Being a plein air painter is special: it allows me the opportunity to interact with people every day while I’m out working and to really learn about a place. Italians love to stop and talk and to answer my questions about the place where I am working.

Studio Shots

The artist’s studio, a place where we imagine and where we create, havens for artists and incubators of inspiration.

10 Ways to Make Your Art Business Stand Out

How can you as an artist stand out from the crowd? Here’s your list of next steps.

The Upside of Rejection

Failure can teach you that “it’s a numbers game.” Most sales attempts don’t make it. Most people don’t want to see or buy your art.