Networking with Artists

You might think of other artists as primarily competition, but I’d encourage you to consider how your art community is actually a perfect place to start your own network.

Evolution of an Artist Salon

These sorts of events are good for artists in any stage of their careers.

Sell Your Art into a Niche Market

Niche markets exist everywhere. Artists who specialize in a particular niche may find an ideal pool of collectors. 

How Artists Can Build a Mailing List

If your goal is to sell artwork, you will need to reach out to potential customers and collectors on a regular basis.

Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Most crowdfunding websites use an “all or nothing” funding model.

Selling Art | How Does Your Art Get Sold?

Top selling artists learn to achieve a balance between making work that sells and finding and tapping the best markets to sell their work.

10 Free Ways Artists Can Get Publicity

Do you have big plans but a small budget? Here are 10 ways to get the word out about your art without breaking the bank.

Networking Success for Artists

An interview with Bob Burg, bestselling author of “The Go Giver” on how artists can start networking their way to success.

Success By the Numbers

If you are serious enough about your business to pursue appropriate prospects on a regular basis, you will gain traction.

Holy Cow! How to Succeed at Selling to a Niche Market

Your niche has other people in it who create art. Get to know them and create a strategic alliance tp refer business to the other.

Creative Marketing for Artists

Five examples where artists have gone above and beyond to market their work and keep their businesses responsive

How to Generate Buzz for Your Next Studio Event

Are you planning an open studio for the holiday season, and want to draw a crowd? 

Starting Your Career as an Artist

A new book by Wojak and Miller has lots of information for those looking to begin or enhance their art careers.

How to Grow Your Art Business Through Referrals

How to ask for and receive business referrals; word-of-mouth referrals, written referrals and networking are discussed.