The Power of an Artist Story

Anita Nevar uses her true story in conjunction with her painting portfolio to make a strong connection with her target audience.

Artists on Climate Change

Each of these artists make bold visual statements about the dangers to our environment, using their own unique voice and creativity to make impact.

How Artists Can Get Juried In

What does it take to get your art accepted in a competitive juried process? Here’s my jury process and what I take into consideration to give a thumbs up, or send a rejection.

Advice from a Highly Licensed Artist

Artist JJ Galloway developed a lucrative business licensing her work. She offers advice on getting organized and being ready to take on big opportunities and achieve success.

Authenticating and Tracking Your Art

A well-documented history of your artwork allows potential collectors to better gauge how the work compares to the other pieces.

5 Tips to Make Your Portfolio Images Web Friendly

Before uploading images to your website, you should always resize them smaller and save them at a lower quality.

Your Art Portfolio Checklist

These days, many people will never view your portfolio in person – they must rely on digital images, which makes this task even more important.

What Artists Need to Know about Fine Art Printing

by Carolyn Edlund An interview with Michael Baker of fine art printing company Reed Art & Imaging shares insights and answers about reproductions, how they’re made and the benefits for artists.     AS:  What are common misperceptions that artists have about fine art reproductions? MB: Here are some top misperceptions that artists have, with explanations […]

Is Print-on-Demand Right for Your Art?

Many artists use print-on-demand services to sell products featuring their designs. This can be a revenue stream, but there are downsides, too.

How and Why to Use Photos of Art in Progress

In progress photos are more casual than portfolio or jury shots, and thus they are perfectly suited for social media, where conversations may revolve about a piece that you are busy creating.

Photo Service Helps Build an Amazing Art Portfolio

ProductViz provides quality portfolio-caliber pictures of artwork. We show artists work in an interior setting.

3 Art Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid

It can be challenging to select work for a portfolio presentation that will make maximum impact and be memorable.

Are You Overwhelming Your Customers with Too Many Choices?

If the collection of work that you have for sale is unwieldy and tends to overwhelm customers, you must cut through the clutter and make some hard decisions.

The Pain and Power of Tough Criticism

Have you ever received criticism that was hard to take, yet has made a major change in the way you approach your studio work?