Are you guilty of any of these self-destructive activities? Stop right now. They won’t help your art business or your sales.
Increase Your Art Sales with Tiered Pricing
How artists can maximize their art sales and reach a broader audience by using the power of tiered pricing.
Are You Under or Over-Pricing Your Art?
How can you set prices for your art correctly, without over or underestimating the value? Use these tips to get it right every time.
Does Your Price Point Range Fit these Shoppers?
Increase your art sales volume by offering a range of price points for certain occasions and types of customers.
Spread Your Prices to Sell More Art
Are your prices diversified? This article discusses how to capture more business by reaching new markets and new customers.
Discounting Your Art? Think Again
Cutting prices might be the first thing that comes to mind when you want to increase your sales. But it could be your worst move.
Cultivate Your Ideal Clientele
Instead of appealing to the general public, create a mindset and professional presentation to fit the collector you want to attract.
Why Pricing Consistency Matters
Do your art prices remain constant, whether selling directly to collectors, online or through a third party? Here’s why consistency matters.
How Artists Can Offer Sales Incentives
Artists don’t have to discount their work to incentivize a purchase. Use these strategies to construct an offer your collectors can’t resist.
Price Point Strategies to Increase Art Sales
Reach a bigger market share with a range of prices for every budget.
What are You Selling?
Making additions and changes to your product offering can maximize your earning potential.
Price Your Art Like a Professional
Price your art to reflect it’s value in the marketplace and pay yourself a profit.
Sell Your Art to an Affluent Audience
Price your work and position yourself in the market to reach your target audience.
Rethink Your Mindset About Pricing Art
Pricing and money can be uncomfortable subjects for artists. Your mindset plays a role in how you price and position your products, the marketplace you choose, and your confidence level.