Six artists expanded their collections to include gift and wearable items. They spoke about the inspiration for these products, and how they are selling the merchandise.
How I Create NFT Art
Photographer Andrew Mease explains this new trend, how it works and what he learned from becoming an NFT artist.
A Partner to Creative Entrepreneurs
UK provider Wraptious helps artists develop gift products and enter lucrative new markets.
Growing an Art Business with Print on Demand
Here’s how one artist expanded his business by offering merchandise through Print on Demand.
Encourage Collecting and Increase Repeat Sales
Artists in any medium can create work that brings customers back for more by encouraging collectability by using some basic principles.
Mastering Fine Art Photography
Fine art photography is one of the most elegant and exciting genres in the field of photography.
How Digital Artists are Creating and Selling
The world of digital art is innovative and evolving, with endless possibilities. Five artists reveal what inspires them, the techniques they use, and how they sell their work.
Contemporary Art Becomes Rug Design
Abstract painter Laura Parker moved beyond the canvas to envision her work as handcrafted rugs. She speaks about her journey and the cause she has embraced.
Lessons Learned While Building a Small Business
What has been most effective in my own business has a lot in common with the artists I’ve worked with who are building their own.
Streamline Your Studio Production
Increase profitability, control your costs, and save your sanity by becoming more efficient in the studio.
What Artists Should Know About Outsourcing
As an artist, your most valuable time is spent in the studio. How can you get the help you need to run the rest of your business?
How an Entrepreneur Built an Online Wearable Art Business
Israeli entrepreneur Shahaf Gal runs Bones and Balloons, a fun, contemporary clothing and accessories company that sells wearables featuring colorful collage designs.
Art Business Success: Design for Interiors
Art can translate perfectly into different formats that enhance living environments. Each of these five artists approaches the marketplace for interior design products in their own unique way.
Artist Success: Making a Soul Connection
I think my strength is the willingness to admit my unheroic truths. We connect in the humble and vulnerable spaces that make us mere mortals.