Ideally, you want to help them develop a comfort level where they are ready to purchase. It’s about the customer experience.
What Artists Must Know About Selling Art Online
You know online art sales have gone totally mainstream when millions of people are being exposed to national advertisements that make shopping for artwork seem this appealing, easy and fun.
Should Your Art Website List Prices?
Failing to set prices withholds vital information, and a lack of information never inspired anyone to buy.
10 Website Mistakes that Kill Your Art Sales
A confused customer won’t buy; avoid that problem by providing all the details about becoming a collector of your art.
5 Essential Steps to Cultivate Online Art Buyers
You are not truly a visible business without a fully engaged website.
Why People Buy Art
Many times people don’t truly know what they want as far as buying art. They appreciate receiving recommendations.
Why Virtual Galleries Could Help Shape a Different Future for Artists
Ever-advancing technologies, combined with radical changes in consumer trends and how art collections are curated, could all point the way towards an exciting digital future for creatives.
Artist Website Strategies: Are You Making this Major Mistake?
Visit almost any artist website, and you will see common mistakes that can easily be fixed. One of the biggest errors is failing to give enough information.
Give Yourself a Promotion
In my estimation, about 80% of artists are “in the pack” and struggling to break out
Working Smarter to Sell Your Art
Seattle-based artist Keiko Suzuki faced frustrating challenges in her business, but was determined to find solutions.
How to Close More Art Sales Online
What if you could provide a shopping experience that meets or exceeds your collector’s needs? Then it would be easier than ever for them to say “yes.”
Change the World Through Your Art
Artists from around the world are invited to donate postcard-sized art to the exhibit, which will take place in Orlando, Florida this year.
Why Artists Must be Ready for Online Commerce
71% of art collectors have bought art online sight unseen.
Overcoming the Challenge of Pricing Art
The art market is in the midst of an amazing technology revolution, with pitfalls of pricing for emerging artists and buyers.