Featured Artist Kara Maria

Artist Kara Maria highlights endangered and other species within her bold abstract paintings.

Featured Artist Paul Kingsley Squire

Artist Paul Kingsley Squire illustrates his fascination with metamorphisis using anthopomorphic and macabre imagery.

Featured Artist Jeanne Cardana

Artist Jeanne Cardana’s richly detailed pencil drawings express a deep love of horses and the outdoor life. Visit her website to see more of her work.     My interest and desire to draw and paint horses and nature started at a very young age. I was blessed with wonderful mentors during my middle school […]

Artist Showcase, Summer 2019

Enjoy the variety of talent and styles of twenty-five artists invited to share their work in Artsy Shark’s Summer 2019 Artist Showcase.

Featured Artist Gretchen Serrano

Artist Gretchen KISH Serrano creates abstract pet portraits using a dynamic and memorable drip painting technique.

Featured Artist Carolyn Ritter

Artist Carolyn Ritter gets up close in her approach to painting her animal and floral subjects.

Featured Artist Caryl Pomales

Artist Caryl Pomales’ colorful paintings are filled with sweeping brushstrokes, and convey a sense of joy. Visit her website to find more of her uplifting art.     I paint in vibrant harmonious colors, with playful brushstrokes and texture. My daily paintings are attained with a smile on my face, and a revolution in my […]

Featured Artist Kimberly Santini

Making art from the heart of a household has infused my imagery with a deep human connection. Every day that I pick up my brushes I do so in a place where family and compassion have thrived.

Artist Showcase Late Spring 2019

Catch this collection of artists in this showcase featuring a wide range of subject, style and inspiration. Click on each artist’s name to see more of their work.     Louise Laplante My work connects the texts, and ideas, in the vintage book, music or correspondence pages, with images those words evoke to comment on […]

Featured Artist Heather Kinkade

My designs come from nature and focus on flora and fauna. My work is also influenced by Native American art, especially noted in the back ground textures I create on the gourd shell.

Featured Artist Karen Stanton

What I learned so far—everything we do, see, feel and experience in this life can be made into art of any size or function. Even the painful stuff is of use to us all. Our lives are works in progress.

Artist Showcase, Mid Winter 2019

Invited artists share some of their favorite works in diverse mediums for this Artist Showcase.

Featured Artist Rose Hohenberger

Fortunately, years of plein air painting taught me to see the range of colors in the landscape’s light and shadow and to infuse that into photo-referenced work.

Featured Artist Ellen (Ellie) Fuller

I feel gratitude for the creative expression that has flowed through me. Expressing my creativity is living my passion. As an artist I understand the crucial role of surrendering to the work—to its possibilities.