How Artists can Finesse the Press

Media outlets are hungry for stories. Artists make for good stories. Let’s explore how you can do this effectively to get media attention.

Think Big and Take Action/Interview with Lesley Riley

What’s the secret to an artist’s success? The right mindset and a lot of hard work. Artist and author Lesley Riley gives her best advice.

Why I Closed My Studio

Art careers and studios eventually come to an end. Here’s why I got out of the business, and what happened next.

Storytelling for Artists

olyn Edlund

Creative entrepreneur Joan Biondi used the power of stories to create a feline personality who became a superstar.

Top 5 Tips on Getting into More Juried Art Exhibitions

Expert John Math shares strategies for greater success in getting accepted into the art exhibitions you want to enter.

Why Artists Need a Mentor

Personal coaches and consultants can be essential partners and mentors, helping you set up strategies on a highly individualized level.

Are You a Scanner?

“Scanner” is a term coined by author and speaker Barbara Scher. This definition includes many people, who may lack confidence, support, clarity and the skills to set goals and get focused on finishing a project.

Starting Your Career as an Artist

A new book by Wojak and Miller has lots of information for those looking to begin or enhance their art careers.

Missed Opportunities

Have you felt overwhelmed and stressed out when meeting potential buyers? Do you try to become invisible or even hide yourself in a book?

Consultation Case Study: Freelance Illustrator

“This strategy has the long-term aim of the freelance illustrator being viewed as a consultative partner to clients, thereby setting up relationships which will lead to repeat business.”

Interview with Surtex Manager Penny Sikalis

Penny Sikalis, manager of the art licensing show Surtex in New York City reveals what artists need to know about exhibiting.

Making Art and Making a Living

Putting pressure on yourself to make a living from your artwork can actually kill your dreams. Is your creativity suffering because you have to worry about making sales?

Turning Artists into Businesspeople/Interview with MICA Dean David Gracyalny

David Gracyalny, the Dean of Continuing Studies at Maryland Institute College of Art, discusses their Master of Professional Studies degree. It is being offered to train artists in business and prepare them to be small business owners.

Is an Art Residency Right for You?

What is involved with finding, applying for and participating in artist residencies? Guest blogger Joseph Cavalieri details how to go about this process step by step, and gives ideas for using your residency to meet other artists, promote your work and make permanent connections.