Have you ever received criticism that was hard to take, yet has made a major change in the way you approach your studio work?
A Deaf Artist Offers Inspiration
Chelle DeStefano is an Australian artist. She also happens to be deaf, but has found ways to move beyond her disability to pursue her dreams.
Video Marketing & Artists: Quality Matters
Can a video that shows your studio practice in an emotionally compelling way communicate what you do effectively and build the value of your work too?
What Your Customers Can Teach You
What is the value in getting in front of your customers in person? Use these tips to get the most out of your experience.
How Smart Marketing Boosted My Art Business
Christian artist Deb Minnard is a relative newcomer, just starting out as an entrepreneur. She has a powerful story about taking the initiative with marketing and getting results.
A Distinctive Body of Work
This unique spin on photography that uses the nude human body, whimsy and themes is a strong pull for the customer, and has served Allan Teger well for over 40 years
Is Your Art Priced Correctly?
Are you making money with your art? Or could you be losing out?
Collection Strategies for Artists
Use these steps to collect from those who still owe you money for your art or services.
Problems Getting Paid? How to Never Get Stiffed Again
Have you run into challenges trying to get paid for your art? Use these strategies to head those problems off now.
What’s Going Right with Your Art Business?
The way we build our small businesses is not only by finding out what’s wrong. It’s building on the positive, acknowledging what we are doing right, and what we have accomplished.
4 Actionable Tips to Reach New Art Collectors Online
There are dozens of theoretical ways to get your artwork in front of collectors, but I’m going to give you 4 tips you can use right now to start exposing your artwork to a wider audience of art collectors online.
Art as a Healing Force for Recovery
To support the recovery community, artist Dena Leibowitz developed a line of greeting cards using her designs.
How Artists are Using 3D Printing
Artists in a wide variety of mediums are embracing 3D printing and digital fabrication.