In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
4 Time Management Tips for Artists
Each day when you make your To Do list, be sure to highlight those items that will produce income now for your business.
How to Sell Your Work to Museum Stores
Selling art and craft to museum shops is very different than working with traditional galleries and stores.
Creating a Jewelry Collection
By doing an actual planned and designed collection, I feel I can tell a better story about me, and about my work, and speak more directly to my target market.
Going Belly Up
You want to start your own business as an artist. But what if you fail? And what would happen if you could not fail?
Sell Your Customers on Value
As you begin to define your target customer, and what they care about, sell your customer on what they value when presenting your work.
Selling to Niche Markets/Wedding Industry
Michigan-based calligrapher Jennifer Buck of Graceful Expressions used multiple smart strategies to market and grow her creative business.
Gotcha Covered – Insurance Resources for Artists
Compared to being a defendant in a liability lawsuit or losing your studio, office contents and inventory in a fire or disaster, insurance premiums are an incredible deal.
An Artist’s View of Pinterest
Artist Carolyn Pappas has taken down her Pinterest boards. She didn’t delete her account, though, because she wants to be able to comment on boards where her art has been pinned.
An Artist’s View of Art Publishing – Part 2
As an artist, you are free to pursue your craft in the manner of your choosing. But the business side of the art world is no different than many others – timing plays a big part in things.
An Artist’s View of Art Publishing – Part 1
As long as you go into art publishing with clear expectations, I don’t think you will be disappointed with your experience, especially if you work with a top art publisher.
How Artists Can Make an Effective Press Kit
Press kits are packaged promotional materials distributed to members of the media in order to get exposure and publicity.
Success By the Numbers
If you are serious enough about your business to pursue appropriate prospects on a regular basis, you will gain traction.
Sell More Art with this Smart Strategy
Showing art in it’s environment helps prospective customers visualize how the art could work in their own home or office.