Featured Artist Julia Berkley

Fabric artist Julia Berkley creates fanciful, abstract collages in nature patterns and abstracts. Her work is often created for medical centers, working through art consultants. She presents her portfolio of works and discusses her inspirations and goals.

Featured Artist Megan Coyle

Virginia artist Megan Coyle creates paper collages depicting scenes from nature, cityscapes, animals and portraits. She talks about her technique and goals, including writing and illustrating a book for children.

Featured Artist George Teseleanu

Featured artist George Teseleanu is from Romania. He presents his work in collage, which can be seen on his Deviant Art page.

Featured Artist John McLaughlin

Featured Artist John McLaughlin presents his portfolio of drawings, paintings and collage on paper. He discusses his goals and inspiration.

Featured Artist Alice Arisu

Italian artist Alice Arisu presents her portfolio and discusses her work. She is inspired to comment on eating disorders, the role of women, loss of identity due to modern society, and uses her work in mixed media and collage to address these issues.

The Art of the Great Idea

Giesla Hoelscher, a Minnesota native, has launched a line of photo collages relating to cities, universities and personal histories.

Featured Artist Sandra Davis

Featured Artist Sandra Davis creates paper collages, as expressions of emotion and black culture.