You are so talented! Uncle Roger says so!

When you are starting a business where you plan on selling your work, you have to have a plan that actually gets people buying your work.

The Personal Touch

Talking about your artwork in front of others helps expand your comfort zone.

Increase Your Credibility as an Artist

Establishing your authority will make most potential customers take you more seriously, and it will build credibility.

Confessions of a Professional Art Gallery Closer

Heartfelt advice for artists on the essence of making sales from a long-time expert in the business.

An Artistic Life Well-Lived

Exploring the theme of “Spirit” as it relates to the Southwest Indians inspires my creativity as an artist.

Thriving as an Artist in Mid-Life

Rhonda Schaller, author of  Create Your Art Career shares wisdom for getting centered and creating a vision in mid-life.

Fear of Failure

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Letter to a Young Artist

Never, ever apologize for your art or your talent. And don’t present your work as less than.

Going Belly Up

You want to start your own business as an artist. But what if you fail? And what would happen if you could not fail?

Success By the Numbers

If you are serious enough about your business to pursue appropriate prospects on a regular basis, you will gain traction.

Think Big and Take Action/Interview with Lesley Riley

What’s the secret to an artist’s success? The right mindset and a lot of hard work. Artist and author Lesley Riley gives her best advice.

Are You a Scanner?

“Scanner” is a term coined by author and speaker Barbara Scher. This definition includes many people, who may lack confidence, support, clarity and the skills to set goals and get focused on finishing a project.

6 Ways Your Artist Statement Can Work for You

Have you brushed up your Artist Statement? Here’s how to use it to further your art career and gain attention.

Missed Opportunities

Have you felt overwhelmed and stressed out when meeting potential buyers? Do you try to become invisible or even hide yourself in a book?