Even though each sculpture is individual, he does take orders for similar sculptures with the same theme. However, they will have different fabrics and details.
Anatomy of a Successful Email Marketing Campaign
10 ways to get started on a kick-ass email marketing campaign to sell your art.
Serious about Art Marketing – Part 2
She knew that she would be using social media and email marketing, as well as direct mail to reach out to her followers and her list several times before the event began
Serious about Art Marketing – Part 1
First, by ‘unveiling’ a preview of the show to my mailing list, it offers a bit of insider treatment to my contacts and hopefully creates some interest.
Increase Your Art Sales by Making an Emotional Connection
Enhance the buying experience for your potential customers by sharing the “why” of the purchase, and offering a message that creates an emotional resonance.
“I Covered My Expenses” and Other Forms of Delusion & Denial
The delusion of “I covered my expenses” relies on the denial of the true total costs and expenses of participation in a show.
Promoting a Body of Work
Artist Paul Roustan has developed an incredible body painting portfolio, and published a book about his work.
Introduction to Inbound Marketing for Artists
Inbound marketing has grown exponentially over the past few years, as social media has become a more and more profitable marketing tool.
The Artist Doesn’t Always Know Best
There are times when our own opinion isn’t enough; when we need to reach out to others for feedback that will help guide our direction. In those instances, crowdsourcing can prove invaluable.
What’s Killing Your Art Sales?
Use that story to grab attention and use your message to let shoppers know how much they will love becoming one of your collectors.